response to 'Call for Review: Payment Request API and Payment Method Identifiers are W3C Proposed Recommendations'

Dear List,
I'm not a W3C member but a developer working in the payment space who has followed this work from its inception.

PaymentRequest is an interface.  As such it is of no utility without specific implementations.

- Currently there is an implementations in Chrome for W3C's PaymentHandler. However, PaymentHandler has been removed from the WG charter.
- There is also an implementation in Chrome supporting W3C's upcoming Secure Payment Confirmation (SPC) standard.  However, the long-term plan is removing the dependency on PaymentRequest from SPC.
- This leaves us with native mode implementations.  However, the payment industry is essentially unaware of PaymentRequest, making Google Pay for Android the only major user.  Native applications also need enrollment but this was never dealt with, making other and less constrained W3C standards like "deep links" a more natural solution for extending the Web through native "Apps".

Given the fact that Apple, MSFT, and Mozilla currently do neither support PaymentHandler nor SPC, it seems that the conditions for a recommendation are not full-filled.  OTOH, a standard that is unused causes no harm so feel free publishing it.

Anders Rundgren

Received on Wednesday, 3 November 2021 06:05:15 UTC