Advance notice: Working in progress on a Math Working Group Charter


This is an advance notice that a draft charter for a Math Working Group 
is being prepared.

MathML is a widely used markup language for the form and meaning of math 
formulas, usable both as part of HTML5 and on its own. The first 
version, MathML1, became a W3C Recommendation in 1998; the current 
version, MathML3 2nd edition, was published in 2014. The proposed WG 
will develop "MathML Core" and "MathML4", starting from reports produced 
by the MathML Refresh Community Group. MathML Core is a minimal subset 
that can be easily implemented and tested, especially as part of HTML, 
and that works well with CSS. MathML4 includes MathML Core and extends 
and revises MathML3.

The proposed draft charter is at:

We welcome input and feedback on the draft charter in the GitHub 
repository, where feedback is public:

W3C Members may also discuss on the member-confidential mailing list 

If you should have any questions or need further information, please 
feel free to contact Bert Bos <>.

A formal Advisory Committee Review for this charter is expected in 
December 2020.

This announcement follows section 5.2.2 of the Process Document

For Tim Berners-Lee, Director,
Wendy Seltzer, W3C Strategy Lead;
Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications

Received on Monday, 23 November 2020 08:22:19 UTC