Talent Marketplace Signaling Community Group created

The Talent Marketplace Signaling Community Group has been launched:


 Much is said about the mismatch between the needs of employers for
qualified employee candidates and a pool of available candidates.  One
major factor contributing to this mismatch is the signaling between the
demand-side (i.e., employers) and supply-side (i.e., education, training
and credentialing providers, students and workers) of the talent
pipeline. This mismatch frequently results in neither party coming into
view of the other. The goal of the Talent Marketplace Signaling
(TalentSignal) Community Group is to assist Schema.org in improving
workforce signaling by refining existing schema.org types serving the
talent pipeline and suggesting new types and properties where improved
signaling cannot otherwise be achieved. Currently, workforce signaling
sits at the intersection of a number of existing schema.org types:
Course, JobPosting, Occupation, Organization, Person and the proposed
  The TalentSignal Community Group will focus initially on refinement of
the  JobPosting Schema  and related types as it survey's specifications
from domain entities such as  HR Open Standards  and  PESC  as well as
the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation's  Job Data Exchange (JDX)  and 
T3 Innovation Network  initiatives for better means to strong, more
effective supply- and demand-side signaling. 


To join:

If you do not have one already, you will need a W3C account to join:

This is a community initiative. W3C's hosting of this group does not
imply endorsement of the activities.

The group must now choose a chair:

For more information about getting started in the new group, see:

and good practice for running a group:

We invite you to share news of this new group in social media
and other channels.

If you believe that there is an issue with this group that requires
the attention of the W3C staff, please email us at site-comments@w3.org

Thank you,
W3C Community Development Team

Received on Wednesday, 6 February 2019 08:34:18 UTC