Response to 'Call for Review: Decentralized Identifier Working Group Charter'

On behalf of Learning Machine, our response is below:

Learning Machine supports this Charter as is.
Learning Machine intends to participate in these groups:
   - Decentralized Identifier Working Group

Learning Machine:
   - intends to review drafts as they are published and send comments.
   - intends to develop experimental implementations and send experience 
   - intends to develop products based on this work.
   - intends to apply this technology in our operations.

Comments about the deliverables:
Learning Machine has been looking forward to the standardization and use 
of Decentralized Identifiers for a long time.

Comments about implementation schedule:
Learning Machine plans on integrating Decentralized Identifiers into the 
Open Source Blockcerts project and within our commercial offering 
towards the beginning of 2020, so the Decentralized Identifier timeline 
lines up very well for us. Learning Machine has even received a DHS 
grant for this planned work:


Anthony Ronning
Software Engineer
Learning Machine

Received on Friday, 16 August 2019 20:24:58 UTC