[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: Encrypted Media Extensions is W3C Proposed Recommendation'

The following answers have been successfully submitted to 'Call for Review:
Encrypted Media Extensions is W3C Proposed Recommendation' (Advisory
Committee) for Hypothes.is Project by Dan Whaley.

Regarding the "Encrypted Media Extensions" specification, the reviewer 
suggests changes, and only supports publication as a Recommendation if the
changes are adopted [Formal Objection].

Additional comments about the specification:
   While I understand that the W3C must be responsive to member's needs,
and that the inevitability of DRM within web standards is not something we
are currently debating, we at Hypothesis believe strongly that the W3C also
can serve as a compass for the web community by insisting on certain
provisions for the benefit of all.  In the same way that it has done so for
patents, we think it can also do with respect to the potential danger faced
by security researchers.  

EME clearly creates new risks for people engaged in legitimate
activities vital to the open web, including security research,
adaptation for people with disabilities, and new market entrants
creating lawful, products and services that interoperate with web video.

Accordingly, we do not support the advancement of EME without a binding
covenant that requires W3C members to limit their anti-circumvention
litigation to circumstances where some unlawful activity, such as
copyright infringement, has taken place.

The reviewer's organization:
   - expects to use products conforming to this specification.

Comments about products related to these specifications:
   If EME passes, we will all inevitably be forced to use products
conforming to its specification-- and that is the concern.

General comments:

You have a power to exert your moral authority in this manner, and I
believe strongly you should.  Your unique position in the web community
carries extraordinary weight-- and though you shouldn't exercise it
capriciously, there are certain circumstances that merit it.  This is
likely one of them.

Stand up for this request.

Most humbly,

Dan Whaley, Hypothesis

Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at
https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/eme-pr-2017/ until 2017-04-13.


 The Automatic WBS Mailer

Received on Friday, 24 March 2017 06:09:10 UTC