Bioschemas for lifesciences Community Group Proposed

The Bioschemas for lifesciences Community Group has been proposed:


Bioschemas aims to improve data interoperability in life sciences. It
does this by encouraging people in the life sciences to use
markup, so that their websites and services contain consistently
structured information. This structured information then makes it easier
to discover, collate and analyse distributed data. The main outcome of
the Bioschemas community group will be a collection of specifications
that provide guidelines to facilitate a more consistent adoption of markup within the life sciences.  


You are invited to support the creation of this group:

Once the group has a total of five supporters, it will be launched and
people can join to begin work. Once launched, the group will no longer
be listed as "proposed"; it will appear in the list of current groups:

In order to support the group, you will need a W3C account. To request one:

If you believe that there is an issue with this group that requires
the attention of the W3C staff, please send us email on

Thank you,
W3C Community Development Team

Received on Saturday, 25 February 2017 14:02:41 UTC