Work in Progress on TV Control Working Group Charter (Advance Notice)


The W3C Advisory Committee received an advance notice today that 
participants of the TV Control API Community Group [1] are currently 
working on a Working Group charter [2] to transition the TV Control API 
specification [3] to the Recommendation track.

The TV Control API Community Group was created in April 2014 as an
offspring of the Web and TV Interest Group focused on the development of
a technical specification to control TV tuners. The group discussed
requirements [4], and iterated over a technical specification to address
them. Based on the advancement of the specification [5], on recent
discussions within the Web and TV IG at TPAC [6] as well as in the
Community Group [7], there seems to be enough momentum and interest to
convert the TV Control API Community Group into a W3C Working Group.

The Community Group started to work on a draft charter [2]. Members and
public are encouraged to send comments and suggestions for changes to
the TV Control API Community Group mailing-list <>
(archive [8]). Members may also discuss the draft charter on

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact
François Daoust <>.

This announcement follows section 5.2.2 of the Process Document:

Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications


Received on Thursday, 10 December 2015 06:11:06 UTC