BDE-Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research, and the Bioeconomy Community Group Proposed

The BDE-Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research, and the Bioeconomy Community Group has been proposed:


 This is one of 7 Community Groups established under the  BigDataEurope
Project , a Coordination and Support Action under the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 Programme, each one tailored to a specific  Societal
Challenge . The discussions in this group will be used to design and
realise the ICT infrastructure needed to benefit from big data
technologies, maximising the opportunities of the latest European RTD
developments, including multilingual data harvesting, data analytics,
and data visualisation. 
 This Community Group is specifically interested in the challenge
related to food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine
research and the bioeconomy and is led by the  Food and Agriculture
Organization  of the United Nations. 


You are invited to support the creation of this group:

Once the group has a total of five supporters, it will be launched and
people can join to begin work. Once launched, the group will no longer
be listed as "proposed"; it will appear in the list of current groups:

In order to support the group, you will need a W3C account. To request one:

If you believe that there is an issue with this group that requires
the attention of the W3C staff, please send us email on

Thank you,
W3C Community Development Team

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2015 08:08:03 UTC