Work in Progress on a Web of Things Interest Group Charter (Advance Notice)


Based on the success of W3C's Workshop on the Web of Things [1] at generating interest and ideas, we have begun to develop a charter for a new Web of Things Interest Group:

The Internet of Things focuses on devices (tags, sensors and actuators) and the communication technologies to access these devices. There is huge potential across many application domains. However, there has been relatively little attention to services, and new work is needed to break out of today's product silos. The aim is for the Interest Group to identify use cases and requirements for Web standards to enable open markets of services that build on top of the Internet of Things, in combination with the Web of Data. The Interest Group will identify whether those requirements might be satisfied in existing or new Working Groups.

We would like to hear from a wide range of stakeholders to clarify the mission and scope for the Interest Group, the target topics and industry priorities, and opportunities for liaisons with other related standards development organizations.

The public is encouraged to send comments and suggestions for changes to <>.
For more information, please contact Dave Raggett <> or Philipp Hoschka <>.

Ian Jacobs, Head of W3C Communications

Ian Jacobs <>
Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2014 03:32:02 UTC