[minutes] March 4th meeting: TPAC, Edge Computing workstream


The minutes of our meeting held today (March 4th) are available at:

and copied as text below.


                  Web & Networks IG #21: Edge Computing

04 March 2022

    [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.

       [3] https://www.w3.org/2022/03/04-web-networks-irc


           DanDruta, Dom, LarryZhao, MichaelMcCool, PeipeiGuo,
           PiersO'Hanlon, SongXu, Sudeep, Uaqi, Max, Eric


           Dan, Song, Sudeep



     1. [4]General updates
          1. [5]joint meeting with Games CG
     2. [6]Edge Computing and the Web

Meeting minutes

    Sudeep: Welcome to this new IG call; there has been activity
    over the past 2 months on which it's useful to share updates
    … today's agenda includes general updates, and then a focus on
    edge computing
    … first a presentation on the value proposition of offload for
    … then a review of the use cases and requirements with PRs that
    have been raised

   General updates

    Sudeep: TPAC may be an hybrid event in September, with physical
    location in Vancouver
    … any thoughts on TPAC, feasibility for a potential IG meeting?

    Michael: I'm based in Canada so can reach Vancouver fairly
    easily, but only meaningful if there is enough people showing
    … maybe simpler to stay to virtual only

    eric: my personal feeling: the past 2 years of zoom meetings
    have impacted the value of F2F meetings, relationship building,

    DanD: +1 to eric
    … The IETF is having a hybrid in Vienna - we're going to see
    how that works out
    … getting back to F2F would a boost to our ability to cooperate
    … personally, Vancouver should be reasonably easy to reach

    dom: with TPAC built for hybrid, but with China not being able
    to travel, a short hybrid meeting in TPAC combined with lots of
    discussions for those that can travel would be most valuable

    McCool: let's also discuss this over email

     joint meeting with Games CG

    Sudeep: we met with the Games CG a couple of weeks ago
    … Song presented the work of the IG, and the CG participants
    shared their perspective
    … highlighted the distinction between indy vs AAA games, with
    varying impact of network
    … overall, the topics of latency, monitoring are ones they look
    … we opened up the conversation around edge

    dom: they noted that the dependency on network and the interest
    on edge was more likely for AAA games
    … also, hoping to be able to share a summary from one of the CG
    participants around the current limitations of network APIs on
    the Web

    Song: received interest on our Web & Networks IG presentation
    from Chinese colleagues who got it translated and shared on the
    W3C Chinese community
    … which triggered further interest, e.g. from [7]https://

       [7] https://dappworks.cn/

    eric: the CG didn't seem to spend a lot time on AAA games

    ac Eric_Siow
    … We need to find problem statement that resonates to a broader
    set of stakeholders
    … including with more outreach

    Slideset: [8]https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/


   Edge Computing and the Web

    McCool: this slideset is about setting up the problem
    … skipping the first slides in the interest of time
    … we need to gather and organize use cases
    … but my focus today is how to organize stakeholders

    [9][ Slide 4 ]


    McCool: Rather than looking at specific companies, we're
    looking at business models with which our problem statements
    resonate, which I've organized in categories
    … some companies cumulate 5 or 6 of these models

    [10][ Slide 5 ]


    McCool: then for each of these business models, I look at what
    opportunities would emerge from solving the issue at hand
    … business opportunities specifically
    … I plan to bring this as PR to the use cases document
    … we've starting validating with specific companies on whether
    this matches their pain points

    Dom: I like the model & the categories

    Max: good starting point - we need to validate this with
    industry stakeholders
    … to reflect real industry input

    McCool: let's iterate on corrections via a pull request
    … once it's in the document, we can iterate with feedback from
    other companies

    Dom: +1

    Max: sure

    Song: I'm interested in the categories and descriptions of
    … the developers I'm in touch with may not necessarily have
    great clarity on business considerations
    … this content will help them with moving the conversations
    with their business people

    McCool: we'll also to include the fact that some companies will
    consider the edge as a threat to their business

    [11][ Slide 6 ]


    McCool: we'll want to derive requirements from use cases, with
    security & privacy applied throughout
    … I have prepared a PR that extends the requirements table,
    some of which has a dependency on the use cases PR
    … part of what we discuss is prioritizing use cases, which may
    lead to a prioritization of requirements
    … I've given a short name to each requirement to make it easier
    to refer to them
    … We'll also need a terminology section (e.g. edge cloud / edge
    resource / edge client)

    [12]Expand Requirements Table PR

      [12] https://github.com/w3c/edge-computing-web-exploration/pull/6

    McCool: [review expanded requirements from PR]

    Max: I've brought a PR with additional use cases, incl on Video
    Conference where edge may help a mobile terminal with more
    limited resources

    [13]Pull request: Add more use cases #4

      [13] https://github.com/w3c/edge-computing-web-exploration/pull/4

    Max: [review other proposed additional use cases]
    … We need some mechanism to deal with the PR - if no objection,
    I'm happy to merge them
    … we could also organize ad-hoc meetings
    … I'm happy to help with the mechanics of repo management

    McCool: +1 on having someone responsible for merging
    … and then iterate with one-on-one meetings if needed

    Max: will do

    dom: thanks a lot for moving forward; we should look towards
    getting this published as first public interest group note
    … the chairs and I will caucus to support you towards that

    Sudeep: Michael, you raised an issue about terminology - any
    plan on how to address it?

    Michael: I can create a PR for the basic structure for the
    … I'm looking for input on terms that need definitions

    sudeep: any other W3C group that may have define these terms?

    dom: probably not in W3C; but we should re-use external
    definitions where they match our needs

    mccool: part of the challenges is that there are so many
    definitions to choose from

    dand: re business models, one of the challenges is that it
    really matters who "pays" for the edge resources
    … on whose behalf is the resource allocation done
    … e.g. if the client does it, it's usually associated to
    caching / optimization proxy
    … when the server does it, it's associated more with a CDN
    … understanding that dynamic is critical for the Web
    … also key to the trust model

    mccool: 100% agree
    … under security, one of the requirements will be who has
    control, who do I trust and why

    Sudeep: thank you all for the progress and plan for moving

    Slideset: [14]https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/


Received on Friday, 4 March 2022 16:33:36 UTC