Call for Technical demos videos for TPAC'20

Dear all,

For this year¡¯s Virtual TPAC 2020 Breakout Sessions (Oct 26th-30th), we are looking for volunteers from Web and Network Interest Group to bring demos of the technologies you are working on. The demo can be on any technical topic in the scope for Web & Networking IG. The videos will be screened as pre-watching material during TPAC breakouts

This email to sent all in Web & Networks IG and also copying all our Guest Speakers who have presented new ideas and shared insights about upcoming innovative web based use-cases in our IG meetings. Here is an opportunity to showcase some of those ideas in a broader W3C forum to get a wider reach.

If you are interested to volunteer for demo, here are a few details to help you:

How: Record a video of the demo (preferably short, highlighting the idea/use-case)

When: Last date to submit Video Demo is September 21st 2020 (if you need more time, please let us know).

If you are interested in providing video demos, please reply to this email with the following details:

  *   Name of the volunteer/company
  *   Proposed title of the demo
  *   Brief description about demo

If you have any questions regarding how to prepare the video, please do get in touch with us.



Co-Chair of Web & Networks IG

Received on Wednesday, 2 September 2020 08:37:38 UTC