[minutes] March 20 teleconference: 5GAA Edge Computing and Predictive QoS


The minutes of our teleconference earlier today are available at:
with Dario's slides at:

The text version of the minutes are copied below.


 5GAA Edge Computing and Predictive QoS - Web & Networks Interest Group

20 March 2020

   [2]Agenda. [3]IRC log.

      [3] https://www.w3.org/2020/03/20-web-networks-irc


          Chris_Needham, Dan_Druta, Dom, Eric_Siow, Huaqi,
          Jon_Devlin, Jonas_Svennebring, Louay_Bassbouss,
          Peipei_Guo, Piers_O_Hanlon, Song, Songfeng_Li, Sudeep,
          Taki_Kamiya, Xiaowei_Jiang, Xiuquan_Qiao, YKhuang





    1. [4]Intro
    2. [5]Presentation from Dario Sabella - MEC in ACTION: An
       Overview of Edge Computing Activities, Part2: Predictive
       QoS for Edge Computing, insights from 5GAA

Meeting minutes


   [6]Intro slides

      [6] http://www.w3.org/2020/03/20-web-networks-intro.pdf

   Sudeep: welcome to all - this is our 8th teleconference meeting
   - hope all is doing fine in this difficult times, thank you for
   taking the time to join this call

   Sudeep: today's agenda will cover 2 call to actions, followed
   by a presentation on 5GAA from Dario

   Sudeep: 2 call for actions:
   … the network information API, a work item driven by the Web
   Platform Incubator Community Group, is a candidate for
   inclusion in a WG charter
   … we had an overview of the API a few weeks ago, and its
   implementations in Chromium

   [7]Call for any requirements for NetInfo API


   [8]Network Information status?

      [8] https://github.com/w3c/dap-charter/issues/78

   Sudeep: please have a look and see if you have input on this
   … Another call for actions: a request from a W3C Member
   company, Peer5
   … they've started a discussion around requirements for P2P CDNs
   with host-to-host connectivity, around IP address obfuscation

   [9]Local IP obfuscation #59

      [9] https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-nv-use-cases/issues/59

   Sudeep: this is also relevant to the scope of our IG - we've
   had presentations around P2P CDN before
   … please take a look at the problem statements on the github
   … and provide your input
   … Upcoming discussion in the IG will include a presentation
   from Cloudflare that Dom is arranging
   … Now, handing over to Dario to talk about some of the insights
   from the 5GAA on predictive QoS

  Presentation from Dario Sabella - MEC in ACTION: An Overview of Edge
  Computing Activities, Part2: Predictive QoS for Edge Computing,
  insights from 5GAA

   [10]Presentation slides

     [10] https://www.w3.org/2020/03/20-web-networks-5Gaa-predictive-qos.pdf

   Dario: this is a follow up to my presentation in January when
   we ran out of time

   [11]Minutes of the previous presentation

     [11] https://www.w3.org/2020/01/15-web-networks-minutes.html#item02

   Dario: I'm an Intel delegate for 5GAA, also vice-chair of MEC
   … last time we covered an intro to edge computing, the MEC
   standard and the use cases of interest
   … Today we will cover Predictive QoS in the context of 5GAA
   … 5GAA is a huge association, with over 130 members coming
   mainly from 2 family of stakeholders: automotive industry and
   … The goal of 5GAA is to bring together automotive, technology
   & telecom comapnies to work together to develop e2e
   connectivity solutions for future mobility and transportation
   … the goal is to make two worlds together, across a set of
   skills, perspectives, languages
   … I'm coming from the telco background and it has been very
   useful to listen to requirements from car makers and turn those
   in terms of telco requirements
   … it includes many aspects of C-V2X incl technology,
   standards... incl business models
   … [5GAA Org structure]
   … There are a number of WGs dealing with different activities
   (use cases & requirements, architecture, testing & pilots,
   standards & spectrum, business models, regulatory, security &
   … [slide: What is C-V2X?]
   … C-V2X: "Cellular-Vehicle to Everything"
   … this includes vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle to pedestrian
   (V2P), vehicle to infrastructure (V2I), vehicle to (cellular)
   network (V2N)
   … bringing network to the car brings another "sensor" to the
   … it enables communications with other cars, other (vulnerable)
   road users such as cars and bikes, and infrastructure
   … the 5GAA is collaborating with many organizations
   … Looking more specifically at Edge Computing / MEC - it is a
   key technology for many use cases in 5GAA
   …  [slide: Automated and Connected cars - key drivers]
   … there are 10s or 100s use cases defined by automotive
   stakeholders in detailed way, with a number of white papers
   … see www.5gaa.org
   … One white paper might be of particular interest

   [12]Toward fully connected vehicles: Edge computing for
   advanced automotive communications


   Dario: more recently, we've been looking at Predictive QoS
   … this is a hot topic not only in 5GAA, but also in ETSI MEC,
   … this is seen as a key mechanism
   … the idea is to enable a notification in advance on an
   upcoming network quality change (either better or worse)
   … which enable to react depending on the use case
   … [Slide: Predictive QoS in 5GAA]
   … depending on the use case, the KPI to predict will change,
   with different type of reactions at the application level
   … for instance, for a tele-operated driving, reaction might
   include changing route, parking the vehicles, etc
   … to convey this information, the idea would be to reuse some
   of the existing APIs, e.g. MEC Service API

   [13]Making 5G Proactive and Predictive for the Automotive


   Dario: There is a stable draft in ETSI MEC for the MEC V2X API
   (MEC 030)
   … it should be finalized in the upcoming few weeks and
   published as a standard soon

   [14]Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC); V2X Information Service


   Dario: this is just one functionality - stakeholders are free
   to define their own APIs as long they following the same REST
   … MEC isn't trying to define all the possible APIs of the 1000s
   of potential services
   … I would like to propose to focus on predictive QoS based on
   the "infotainment use case", for which the KPI to be predicted
   is the data rate
   … where the expected reaction would be to adapt the video
   … the idea is to imagine a streaming video content - this is
   similar to the traditional video streaming, with the addition
   of mobility requirements
   … The experiment we ran showed the impact of predictive QoS on
   this use case

   [15]5GAA live demos show C-V2X as a market reality


   Dario: [Slide: In-Vehicle entertainment utlizing MEC over 5G
   … The demo, led by Intel, Marelli, Terranet, Equinix, showed
   how MEC can support immersive HD entertainment for all
   … incl video streaming, gaming, VR, office work, online
   education, advertisement
   … the underlying assumption is that the car is using the
   network and has access to edge computing capabilities
   … This use case matches a promising market with predictions of
   $7 trillion passengers economy - with 300 hours a year spent
   behind a well, lots of opportunities
   … [Slide: predictive QoS - reference scenario]
   … Imagine a car going from one point to another; the car has a
   client app, which connects to an edge node
   … there is a model of network characteristics mapped over the
   … MEC is used to convey these characteristics to the car
   … the said info can be used to adapt network usage
   … [Slide: Predictive QoS - reference scenario]
   … Different use cases would be usable in different zones based
   on the QoS circumstances of the area
   … This is import for car makers to enable or not specific
   autonomous driving services depending on the network
   … this is thus business critical for them
   … We have demos that covered 2 main concepts
   … one shows the benefit of edge computing with different
   deployment options (e.g. how close the edge is to the user)
   … the other one shows the impact of predictive QoS on
   multimedia delivery adaptation in a field trial in an urban
   … [slide: benefits of edge deployments]
   … The car app is communicating with the edge node, and a remote
   cloud node
   … the car app is displaying HD video content to the passenger,
   as well as location-relevant information (e.g. advertizing)
   … the content can be retrieved from either the edge or the
   cloud - the demo looks at the various level of "edge" scenarios
   … [Slide: reference architecture used for IVE App Tests]
   … [Slide: MEC Performance evaluation: preliminary comparative
   … this shows difference in Round-Trip-Time depending on the
   server locations, esp using transcontinental servers
   … The second part of the demo shows the impact of predictive
   QoS on adaptive streaming
   … the first part of the work was to collect data on live
   measurements in Turin, sampled every second during a drive test
   … this was coupled with a realtime emulation done by Univ of
   Pisa recreating network quality from the collected data
   … The idea is to be able to make reliable predictions
   … this was part of the Smart Road project for the city of Turin
   … the emulator was fed with the data from the drive test
   … then the MEC server was doing the video streaming adapted to
   the predicted evolution of the network
   … this had a huge impact on the quality - e.g. this removed
   … [Slide: Predictive QoS - impact on performance, preliminary
   … we collected data on packet interarrival time
   … the more regular the video packets, the better the reception
   - better for buffering and playout
   … both high interarrival time or high jitter have bad impact on
   the quality of experience
   … you see a big difference on average latency, but even more so
   on the jitter of packet interarrival time, leading to much
   fewer freezes
   … This concludes my presentation
   … Predictive QoS is key to automotive stakeholders, esp in a
   set of well-defined use cases

   Sudeep: thank you Dario for these great insights on 5GAA & QoS

   EricSiow: in your view Dario, where are the collaboration
   opportunities between this community and 5GAA?
   … Are there clear needs for APIs where we could help bridge the

   Dario: currently, MEC & Edge Computing are key strategic areas
   for 5GAA
   … there is a working item spanning two domains of 5GAA called
   "MEC for Auto"
   … I see possible synergies in this space - that work item is
   diving deeply into the topic, not only in the network side, but
   also for the application side
   … that can be a point of contact with this group in W3C
   … the work on predictive QoS is more or less done with the
   white paper published
   … we have to ask ourselves - differentiating the actual
   prediction of the QoS from how to use the predictions
   … making the prediction is probably not the most relevant for
   this group (it can be done in many ways - network, app, device)
   … and then how these predictions would be used is likely more
   directly relevant

   EricSiow: any thought how the 5GAA IPR policy might impact
   collaboration with other organizations?
   … In W3C, all contributions are royalty-free; in cellular
   space, royalties are common
   … has that been considered?

   Dario: there is an IPR policy with well-defined procedures in
   … but I'm not the right person to give details on this
   … the 5GAA secretariat would be the right group to approach to
   figure out how this would be addressed (e.g. via a MoU)
   … I'll be happy to establish the connection if/when needed

   Song: with your experience Dario, from 5GAA perspective, who
   will be the user for the V2X APIs? are they going to be the
   developers from car manufacturers? or third-party / independent

   Dario: the question is who will be developing the service - in
   automotive, this is generally a heterogeneous ecosystem
   … with car manufacturers, their partners
   … BMW has started to act as data center of consumers that can
   be used by third party / startup in a sort of app store, under
   the consent of the end consumer
   … any of the stakeholders can be the API consumer

   Song: since MEC is quite new for W3C, I would like to borrow
   some experiences from you to identify who will be the target
   developers within W3C

   Dario: my presentation today was focused on automotive - but to
   be extra clear, MEC is not at all automotive specific
   … it would be e.g. completely in scope e.g. for gaming
   … for a W3C perspective, I think ideally you should look at
   widening the net to more use cases (e.g. VR as well)

   Sudeep: thank you Dario for this presentation - we will follow
   up by email

Received on Friday, 20 March 2020 14:40:46 UTC