Re: Sensors API

On 26 Aug 2011, at 20:34, Marcos Caceres wrote:

> As we are unbound by commercial pressure here, how about we flip this a bit… instead of starting at the mobile phone with all it's boring/done to death sensors, we start somewhere more abstract or interesting: something like an Audrino ( and a bunch of flex sensors, pressure sensors, etc. I mean get right into sensor theory… thermometers, odometers… or take a car as the first use case: how do I measure the gas in my car … as web service?

I know some guys at Huawei who wanted to get around the whole device API adoption issues by bundling local webservers with a REST API into the device OS as a way of accessing WAC/DAP functionality.

There has also been work done in the e-science community around metadata for understanding data from various kinds of scientific instruments, so you can put your oscilloscopes and microscopes online etc.

> Or even look at what sensors are around the house: light, power consumption, etc.  

Sounds good to me.  (There is also the W3 home networking IG.)

> We could start with use cases around that and build some prototypes for supporting "sensor arrays" (groups of sensors coordinated together that create meaningful output).  
> Thoughts? Tomatoes?  

Received on Tuesday, 30 August 2011 11:26:20 UTC