How do I write this N3 statement correctly

Dear, all,
I wrote a N3 statement as follows:
PREFIX math: <>

:temperature1 :value -20.
:temperature2 :value 42.

{?temperature :value ?value. ?value math:lessThan -10}
{?temperature :value :abnormal }.

{?temperature :value ?value . ?value math:greaterThan 40}
{?temperature :value :abnormal }.

Is there any way to  use "or" to simplify it into a single inference statement? And how do I use "else" to indicate that temperature values outside these ranges are "normal"?
In addition, I use, in the deductive information of "eye", can I show only the inferred results alone?
      Thanks for helping.


Received on Saturday, 23 October 2021 08:27:43 UTC