[agenda] June 23rd teleconf


Here comes our agenda for tomorrow's teleconf (June 23rd).

Please send reports on your action items and regrets before the
Known regrets: Wilhelm

The logistics of the call are at the end of the message.

 * Widgets testing
ACTION-52 on Wilhelm Joys Andersen: Draft a blog post on SPARTAN
ACTION-2 on Kai to Continue integrating his tests WTF
ACTION-58 on Kai Hendry: Update tests on dev.w3.org
ACTION-59 on Kai Hendry: Describe how to contribute tests (will serve as
input to blog post)
ACTION-60 on Dominique Hazaël-Massieux: Provide an extraction of test
assertions from Widgets P&C (and tool to do it)
Done: http://www.w3.org/mid/1245223849.8064.2034.camel%2540localhost

ACTION-55 on Wilhelm Joys Andersen: Look at WCTMB2 ideas

 * Blog
ACTION-57: Kai to propose another blog on widgets testing

 * OMA
ACTION-21 -- Wilhelm Joys Andersen to send Opera's feedback on OMA test
ACTION-14 -- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux to look back at OMA situation and
(some progress at:
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-mwts/2009Jun/0002.html )

 * Next meeting
June 30: Wilhelm sent regrets for that week too

Logistics: Zakim Teleconference bridge +1.617.761.6200 (also available
at: + or +44.117.370.6152 )
Teleconference code: 8794
Time: 5pm CET / 11 am ET
IRC channel: #mwts on irc.w3.org *port 6665*; please make your best
effort to be on IRC since we are using it extensively
during our teleconferences; if you don't have an IRC client installed,
you can use the Member-only web interface to the IRC server at:

Received on Monday, 22 June 2009 15:19:35 UTC