DOM Test Suite evaluation

Public availability
The test suite is publicly available under the W3C license.  Test 
Suite is well organized.  There
is a Java version and an ECMA Script version for each of the DOM levels.

Conformance / interoperability
The test suite is oriented towards conformance. Each test has a 
pointer to the specification's
section, which is evaluating.

coverage / test assertions availability
Coverage looks quiet good. Found no assertions. There seems to be 543 
tests for the
DOM Core level 1.

mobile web relevance
Test Suite even as stable as it may be is a number of years old.  Relevance to
Mobile not apparent at this time.

This test suite uses the browser as the harness (EcmaScript). Looks 
easy enough to run.
Did not run the Java version, however it looks very straightforward.

automated or not
Fairly automatic or easy enough to automate.

stability / status
Test suite looks very stable.

maintenance process
There is a mailing list and a number of documents explaining how to 
participate on the process.


Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2007 14:47:35 UTC