Re: new charter version

Hi Nicolas,

> Just to make sure I understand:
> - we will work domain based and collect information on the different
> topics (adoption, business model, ...)


> - we will present the notes topic based (maybe 1 sub-section on what is
> general and 1 sub-section on each domain)

we don't need to define the structure of the note yet, but in my mind, i 
would be very surprised that the logical structure of the note on e.g. 
business model will be based on domain. So we agreed ot start on the 
collection of evidences based on a domain approach, but then how to 
classify the different models, this is another story, and we probably 
should not discuss that now, till we have at least 2 domains.

> If that is the case, I would rather go for a presentation per domain as
> well and a general note about generalization.

Again, in my own personnal experience, as a technical expert, i had the 
opoprtunity to work in many different domains. Each time i talked to 
specialists in their domains, they are convinced that their issues and 
solutions are very specific. In practice, i usually found that barriers, 
and solutions are very similar from one domain to another. So as i 
understand there is no real consensus on this, i propose that, as agreed 
we start with a domain approach, and then if after having studied few 
domains we find out that there is no commonalities, then we would 
naturally go for a presentation by domain. If we find many similarities, 
then we will go for a presentation per topic.


Stephane Boyera
W3C				+33 (0) 5 61 86 13 08
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Received on Tuesday, 26 January 2010 16:29:29 UTC