Re: Example box

Hi Mira,

> Overall, I think text boxes of this kind will serve to demonstrate the 
> relevance of the document, which can be fairly technical at time, and 
> whose audience is rather broad.

Few comments:
i'm a bit reluctant to copy and paste in the document something from 
sources not part of the group. Like this analysis of ivr is interesting 
but done by those who made the project imho.
What about for each of the category of technologies having an entry in 
an appendix with the detailed analysis ? like from the ivr, we add a 
link to 'detailed analysis of an ivr application in Appendix A.1' where 
we put the doc you sent, with a link from the source ?

So question to all: should that type of analysis, coming from external 
source be in the body of the document, on the appendix, or just linked ?


> Cheers,
> Mira
> -- 
> Dr Mira Slavova
> ICT4D Consultant
> Mobile Market Design 4 Development
> <>
> ++44 (0)7734 408829

Stephane Boyera
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Received on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 12:24:59 UTC