RE: Teleconferences

Hello all (mw4d members)

I did register to the coming conference call
using the link (3) by providing my preferences
for it.

It was surprise to note that the questionnaire
is open until July 27th :-)

Please note, that the UTC-time does not have
summer time at all. So you have to do UTC
time calculation to every city (in the world)
separately to know if the summer time is in
effect or not.

This is good tool to do that:

Br. Lauri 

>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of ext Stephane Boyera
>Sent: 25 June, 2008 12:19
>Subject: Teleconferences
>Dear All,
>this mail concern the official participants in the MW4D group 
>(see members detail at [1]).
>So far very few (only 2 !) people answered my mail from last 
>week about your prefered schedule for the first teleconference 
>of the group. So will fill the questionnaire at [2] so that we 
>fix the schedule for next week.
>Stephane Boyera a écrit :
>> Dear All,
>> Some news about the effective beginning of the Mobile Web for social 
>> Development IG, and its first teleconference.
>> I've been busy these days on finalizing the executive summary of the 
>> Workshop on the role of mobile technologies in fostering social 
>> development ([1]) we held in Sao Paulo june 2-3. I will send a draft 
>> version by the end of the week.
>> Concerning the teleconference schedule, the group is 
>supposed to meet 
>> twice a month (see the charter at [2]) for one hour. I propose we 
>> start on these basis and aim at meeting the first and third week of 
>> the month (the first week of the month being the week having the 1st 
>> of the month in it and not the first full week in the 
>considered month).
>> So i propose we start in july, the week of 6/30 -> 7/4 I prepared a 
>> questionnaire to find the most appropriate time that would fit all. 
>> So, please if you are members of the group fill [3] at your earliest 
>> convenience and before June 27 EOD (Note that time are expressed in 
>> UTC e.g. 4 hours ahead of US east coast, and 2 hours before Europe 
>> french time).
>> I remind people that official members of the group who can 
>> in the teleconferences are those listed at [4].
>> This group is open to public, and anybody interested to become an 
>> official member is welcome, but you have to commit to be an 
>> participant. See the procedure at [5].
>> During teleconferences we will use some of the W3C tools 
>including our 
>> teleconference bridge which has a presence in US east-coast, UK, and 
>> France, and an irc channel to exchange information like URI 
>or to take 
>> minutes. I will send info about those later.
>> I believe that future teleconferences will have a dedicated topic of 
>> discussion. For me, this is surely the most effective way to 
>> concentrate energy, and to have interesting and lively discussions 
>> during the teleconferences. However, the first few instances 
>are going 
>> to be more general to define in details the roadmap on the 
>group: what 
>> we plan to do during the lifetime of the group (12 months), what are 
>> the exact goals, ... For that reason, we would surely focus first on 
>> the development of a "vision" document which would describe 
>our goals 
>> in the first 12 months, but also on longer term what we plan to 
>> achieve. I believe we all have slightly different expectations and 
>> views, and some of you may even wonder what we would do. So 
>the first 
>> few teleconferences should clarify these points.
>> We can also start the discussion on the mailing-list.
>> I will send later this week my own view, but if anybody 
>interested to 
>> start first, don't be shy !
>> Best,
>> Stephane
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5]
>Stephane Boyera
>W3C				+33 (0) 4 92 38 78 34
>BP 93				fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
>F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,		

Received on Friday, 27 June 2008 04:22:01 UTC