framework document

Dear all,

As committed yesterday during the call, i put online the first version 
of the framework document.

what i did is the following:

1- i created from the wiki homepage 
( )a new section ""
from this section i created a dedicated page for the framework document

2- in the framework document itself, i put few info for those who would 
get to it without knowing the mw4d group, 2 new sections (editors and 
contributors) and the original document i send to the list 2 weeks ago.
in the editors section, there is now Jeff and myself, but if anybody 
else interested to join us, you are welcome.
in the contributors sectino i listed all people who either participated 
in one of the 2 teleconferences in which we discussed this topic, or who 
send comments on my original proposal. I might have missed someone. let 
me know. For some people i put their affiliations because i knew it, for 
someother either i didn't know or i was not sure it was appropriate to 
cite it. Let me know if something needs to be updated for you.

3- i didn't yet incorporate all the comments received on the first draft 
i sent to the list, but i just focused on the first section "vision" 
which was the focus of yesterday call. I wanted to release this document 
asap to trigger discussion for next week call. I will update later this 
week the other sections with the comments received.

4- in the vision section, and for other sections in the future too, i 
believe that we are not in the phasis of writing content, but more about 
brainstorming. So i decided not to make sentences yet but to have 2 
sub-section: one describing what should be in the section, and one just 
listing ideas and concepts we want to integrate in the section. When we 
will have consensus on all the ideas we will be able to move to sentences.

5- i tried in the vision section to list all the comments, ideas we 
discussed yesterday, and on the mailing-list, plus one or two more.

The document is at

now, comments are welcome !!

Stephane Boyera
W3C				+33 (0) 4 92 38 78 34
BP 93				fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,		

Received on Tuesday, 29 July 2008 09:55:53 UTC