Requesting info and assistance in adapting Fonts to SMuFl


I have been a silent  member of the “group”having joined a number of months ago. Besides my interest in all things notational, one of the main reasons for joining was to pursue converting
My music symbol fonts, BlueNotz and BluePencil, into the SMuFL format.I designed these fonts to emulate “handwritten” notation back stat a time before the Jazz font flooded the Market.I bought Dorico a while back and while I appreciate the “Jazz font they have, I became curious as to how I could use my fonts with the program. My Text and chord symbol fonts seemed to translate fairly well with the program but the symbol fonts was inconsistent. I based my character set on Sonata and/or Petrucci as I am A finale guy from the early 1990’s

So, before I ramble on and on, I need to know if  you folks are the folks I need to talk to. If not, would you happen to know where I need to continue my search.

I can provide pdfs of the fonts in action if desired.

Thanks for you kind attention,
Thomas Williams

Received on Tuesday, 9 March 2021 20:02:01 UTC