Dear All,
First and foremost I’d like to thank the opportunity to introduce you to the locus notation system and that you’ve all taken the time to think about its potential placement on SMuFL standard.
To answer the question about the symbol’s use:
Although the font has over a hundred thousand unique downloads I’m confident it isn’t currently widely used. And there was never an effort to promote it outside the tight Berklee/MIT community.
Since workshopping it among collogues I’ve identified a sentiment amongst spatial music composers to have more agency over their music imaging in the wake of consumer spatial computing. I believe the inclusion of a spatial notation symbol to SMuFL will be an important milestone for spatial music and so I thank you for taking the time to debate locus, even if it currently doesn’t meet the usage standards required for SMuFL.
Thank you once again, it is lovely to e-meet you all and I hope to one day return to this topic with a consensus among composers/orchestrators on spatial notation.
Best regards,
Luís Zanforlin
From: Roger Firman
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2021 1:40 PM
To: Daniel Spreadbury; Douglas Blumeyer;
Cc: Luís Zanforlin
Subject: RE: locus notation for spatial music
Dear all,
This is probably quite a complicated area with different systems proposed. Obviously that raises the issue of there not being a standard as yet.
The following links may be of interest. Clearly it would be desirable for there to be a unified approach.
Roger Firman.