Re: Naming accidentals in the SMuFL scheme

Hi Owen,

Over at MuseScore, we have a version of Emmentaler (called MScore) which is
SMuFL compliant. I made a few changes to it earlier this year to fix some
issues where it was deviating from SMuFL a bit.

Bear in mind that some of the symbols in our version have been altered by
various people over the years (notably, the accidentals) and I'm guessing
that your version has also probably gone on its own journey too! All the
same, I think it might be a useful reference, in addition to Bravura.

Here's a link to the most recent version

At the very least, I'd be curious to hear how different our two versions
are from each other.


On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 3:20 AM Dave Keenan <> wrote:

> I suspect the best you can do is try to discern patterns in the existing
> names and follow them. To that end, I suggest:
> timeSigPeriod → timeSigDot
> accidentalMirroredFlatSlash → accidentalReversedFlatSlash
> All the rest look fine to me.
> -- Dave
> Owen Lamb wrote on 15/06/2021 11:42 am:
> To whom it may concern,
> I've been heading an effort to make LilyPond's ( in-house
> font, Emmentaler, SMuFL-compliant, and could use some help. My work so far
> matching Emmentaler glyphs to SMuFL encodings can be found here:
> So far, I could use
> advice in a couple areas:
>    1. The accidentals in particular are many and varied in both schemes,
>    and I don't want to make any mistakes associating them if I can help it.
>    Anybody here have the knowledge/resources to help us make the right
>    connections?
>    2. I've found a few glyphs that are present in Emmentaler but not in
>    SMuFL. While we can certainly name them whatever we want, it would be nice
>    if we could give them glyph names that are likely to be chosen if they are
>    introduced into SMuFL in the future. Is there some sort of glyph naming
>    guide we can follow?
> All help is appreciated!
> Regards,
> Owen Lamb

Received on Tuesday, 15 June 2021 09:53:24 UTC