Naming accidentals in the SMuFL scheme

To whom it may concern,

I've been heading an effort to make LilyPond's ( in-house 
font, Emmentaler, SMuFL-compliant, and could use some help. My work so 
far matching Emmentaler glyphs to SMuFL encodings can be found here: So far, I could use 
advice in a couple areas:

 1. The accidentals in particular are many and varied in both schemes,
    and I don't want to make any mistakes associating them if I can help
    it. Anybody here have the knowledge/resources to help us make the
    right connections?
 2. I've found a few glyphs that are present in Emmentaler but not in
    SMuFL. While we can certainly name them whatever we want, it would
    be nice if we could give them glyph names that are likely to be
    chosen if they are introduced into SMuFL in the future. Is there
    some sort of glyph naming guide we can follow?

All help is appreciated!

Owen Lamb

Received on Tuesday, 15 June 2021 01:44:08 UTC