Re: Proposal for Encoding Common Musical Notation in Unicode


Thank you for your feedback. I mentioned ABC in passing as one of the
textual notations of music. I thank you for the links, I had never
considered how rich this notation is.

It looks to me as having globally the same pros, and cons (depending on the
use case), of other standards, aiming to code music and not the graphical
representation of CMN. There is a strong position that makes it slightly
apart from other standards, namely "Abc is above all a language for
describing music and so there should be clear separation between content
and any formatting information" (in the route-map
<>). I agree with you,
the programmers probably have some very useful experience to build upon.


On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 9:46 PM <> wrote:

> Bertrand,
> It may be worth noting that there is already a scheme for encoding music
> notation in text (in this case ASCII): called abc.   The spec is at
> abc has a small but enthusiastic following, and there are (free)
> applications available for drawing the music.
> It isn’t quite what you envisage, and the drawing code still has to make
> all sorts of assumptions about the placement of symbols.   But it may be
> worth referring to, as the problems encountered by people who have
> programmed it, may anticipate some for your system.
> Dave
> David Webber
> Mozart Music Software
> *From:* Bertrand Émerit <>
> *Sent:* 01 September 2020 00:47
> *To:* Daniel Spreadbury <>; Michael Good <
>>; Joe Berkovitz <>; Perry Roland <
>>; W3C <>
> *Subject:* Proposal for Encoding Common Musical Notation in Unicode
> Dear ladies and gentlemen,
> On September 30th I plan to submit the attached proposal to the Unicode
> Consortium.
> Unless you ask differently, I intend to Cc you of the mail, while making
> plain in the body that this is for your information, as you are mentioned
> in the document, and in no way an endorsement.
> I will be honoured for any review or comment of the documents. Feel free
> to forward as needed, and I would appreciate that you inform me if you
> forward outside your organization.
> The proposal should fit nicely if not enrich (and certainly not make a
> dent in, or replace) your current works, including SMuFL, MusicXML and MEI.
> Best regards,
> Bertrand EMERIT
> +33672966996

Received on Saturday, 5 September 2020 17:10:09 UTC