[w3c/smufl] traditional Japanese music notation

Dear all,

I can help by reporting about sanshin notation. The sanshin is the
traditional instrument of Okinawa, and it is the ancestor of the
Japanese shamisen.
Please notice that this work is hard since there is not a unified
standard for sanshin music notation. Actually, Okinawa prefecture is
formed by several small islands, and the notation may change from island
to island, or depending on the decision that a certain book publisher or
person may have taken at a given moment.
I think for very expert advice, you should find somebody at the
University of the Ryukyus http://www.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/en/
At least there is a group of people working about sanshin there. Some of
them are called Wauke Takuma, Yamashiro Tsuyoshi and Toguchi Minoru, but
I have never contacted them.

Best regards,

Rafael López García
Tanaka & Tajima Laboratory <http://www.dl.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp/wordpress/en/>
Department of Social Informatics <http://www.soc.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/>
Graduate School of Informatics <http://www.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/>
Kyoto University <http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en>
Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
Tel.: +81-(0)75-753-4957
Fax.: +81-(0)75-753-5979

Received on Thursday, 24 November 2016 13:34:51 UTC