traditional Japanese music notation


My name is Razvan Beuran and I am developing software that automatically 
converts music from Western notation to traditional Japanese notation 
(such as shakuhachi, koto, shamisen):

For this purpose I have found the need to create some fonts for 
representing the traditional Japanese notations, and I am midway in 
achieving this goal.

Recently I have found out about the SMuFL project. When checking the 
current version I discovered that this kind of notation is not covered 
at all, however it would be very useful for me and the other people 
involved in this kind of activities (not many, I admit).

I am contacting you to see if there is interest in extending SMuFL to 
cover traditional Japanese music notation. I am knowledgeable especially 
about the Tozan shakuhachi notation, which could be a good start. 
Moreover, the Tozan school publishes an official manual (in Japanese) 
which could serve as reference.

In case such an interest exists, I would like to know how I should 
proceed, since I have not much experience with standardization in 
general and SMuFL in particular.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes,
Razvan Beuran

Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2016 03:06:26 UTC