How to get involved


I am a new member here. Thank you all in advance for being patient with me
as I ramp up.

I see that quite a bit of activity is occurring right now with respect both
to MusicXML and MNX. I am a software engineer and new music composer. I
write my music in code and occasionally wish to generate traditional sheet
music for humans to take a crack at the pieces. But they are in alternative
tuning systems and it would be great if I could flip an enum around in my
code to export as MusicXML with various microtonal notations. However I
haven't had luck with this in the past because it doesn't seem MusicXML has
support for many common microtonal notations.

And when I've used notation software to export and import MusicXML in the
recent past, even just exporting and immediately re-importing without
making any changes, the format garbles my work to the point of unusability
(that or it's MuseScore which can't translate my work into MusicXML well).

I want to do whatever I can to help make this happen but I don't know where
to start. As a member of this list am I a "co-chair" and can I thus attend
the next upcoming meeting? Please let me know how I can best contribute. I
have no sense of the political situation here yet so I do not mean to
offend or start a fire or anything like that. Just curious at this point.

Douglas Blumeyer

Received on Tuesday, 12 May 2020 20:34:31 UTC