Congrats on being the first person to implement an MNX-Common music
renderer! :-)

We'll eventually maintain a list of software using MNX-Common (the same
concept as MusicXML has), so I'll make sure to add this there.


On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 5:36 PM James Ingram <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> My project for making SVG instantiations of MNX code has now gone public at
> The README contains basic information about this project, but there is a
> more detailed description of its GUI and how it works at
> Issues, pull requests and other constructive suggestions would, of course,
> be very welcome.
> The first six examples from *MNX by Example* are complete. The rest
> should be pretty plain sailing, if not exactly easy!
> Augmentation dots should be no problem, but slurs, ties and tuplet
> brackets are going to be more challenging. :-)
> I will shortly be opening an issue on the CG's GitHub repository about the
> Draft Spec's definition of accidentals...
> All the best,
> James Ingram

Received on Thursday, 7 May 2020 18:25:16 UTC