GitHub repositories proposal

Hi all,

This CG now has three (maybe four) completely independent topics on the 
agenda: MNX, CWMNX, GMNX and (to judge by the present MusicXML thread) 
maybe MusicXML as well. There seems to be some disagreement as to 
whether MusicXML can really be finalized.

These three (or four) topics each have their own use-cases. None of them 
depends, for their successful development, on the successful development 
of any of the others.

So I'd like to propose that each of them be given its own repository on 
GitHub. I think that would lead to less confusing, more concentrated 
discussions and better documentation of the issues. It would be quite 
easy to create cross-repository issue links, should that ever be necessary.

For example, I'd like to discuss an issue that relates to GMNX 
(synchronization with audio files) without having to think about whether 
that issue also relates to CWMNX. If it does relate to CWMNX, then 
someone should also raise it in the CWMNX repository. The discussions in 
the different repositories would have little to do with each other, and 
be very different in each case.

If the chair doesn't want to create extra repositories, maybe you could 
say how I should proceed. As far as I know, I'm currently only supposed 
to contribute to mnx#25 ("GMNX should embed elements in an SVG file"), 
and that issue is already overloaded with sub-issues.

all the best,

p.s. I have two other responses to the Charter Vote Comments, but they 
can wait.

Received on Friday, 1 September 2017 08:00:39 UTC