
I just have to nip this in the bud before it gets terribly out of hand, so
for the record:


1) I am indeed convinced that the Pömmelchen score is comprehensively
encodable, provided that MNX would take the high-abstraction approach that I
have sketched out in the Ligeti example.


2) But: this little piece certainly is not my benchmark for the whole
endeavour. I did include the link to the score to add some levity at the end
of a very dry email. I did, however, underestimate adorable Pömmelchen's
inevitable tendency to capture everyone's imagination, something that might
now start backfiring by people paying more attention to him than to what was
actually supposed to be my contribution to the discussion.


So please, "Awww!" where "Awww!" is due, but then forget the bug for now.



Received on Tuesday, 4 April 2017 19:49:38 UTC