Re: Document Profiles: an MEI customization

Sorry Zoltan, it's taken until now for me to finally take a look.

At first glance this material is very much what I would expect to be
included in an MNX document profile. These sorts of constraints look super
familiar to me as the very types of constraints that Noteflight imposes on
imported MusicXML, and would need to impose on MEI if it imported it.

I have a couple of initial questions (note that I haven't read the ODD or
RNG sources so these may be sort of dumb)

- Are all of the constraints here expressed in machine-checkable terms that
can drive validation? Clearly some are, but some seem as though they might
just yield spec language and examples. Not that this is a bad thing per se.

- Is the "Specifications" section of the generated HTML just the list of
those MEI elements that are supported in the customization?

.            .       .    .  . ...Joe

Joe Berkovitz
Noteflight LLC

+1 978 314 6271

49R Day Street
Somerville MA 02144

"Bring music to life"

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Joe Berkovitz <> wrote:

> Thanks, Zoltan. I will be very interested in looking at this, and look
> forward discussing further in Montreal.
> .            .       .    .  . ...Joe

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2016 21:39:57 UTC