RE: Use Cases

My apologies straight away if my comments are either out of scope or have already been dealt with – I am relatively new to the group and the list, if not to the subject matter!

Under Document Content Cases (and unless this is intended to be covered under the “not started” item marked “Post-CMN 20th century and later”) I would like to raise the issue of notation for electronic sound synthesis (including additive and subtractive synthesis, modulation and treatment, etc.)

The resurgence of interest in recent years in analogue synthesis – and together with it the issues of interfacing between analogue and digital devices – has highlighted the absence of any common notation for this idiom.

While many analogue instruments are able to inter-operate through common control voltage customs (and convertors are available to modify signals between instruments that cannot communicate directly), notations that to exist to record different instrumentation parameters tend to be device-specific (so-called dope sheets or patches) and are considered by sound designers, engineers, composers and performers alike as very much device specific. To be able to encapsulate specific sound designs and their parameters in a manner that is neither person nor device dependent would seem to fulfil the criteria of this group’s mission.

Happy to hear comments on this before pursuing the issue further.
Best regards,


Peter F Brown
Independent Consultant
Certified Privacy professional (CIPT)
Member, Institute of Directors

”Consider. IT. Done”<>

From: Joe Berkovitz []
Sent: Tuesday, 24 November, 2015 14:30
Subject: Use Cases

Hi Group,

Thank you for your patience! It's taken rather longer than I would have liked, due to my being sidelined by illness for a while, but with the co-chairs' help I've prepared an initial list of annotated use cases on the Music Notation CG wiki at this URL:

We are eager to generate some feedback and additional depth for the existing cases, and also to add cases that we have overlooked. New material can be added directly in the wiki page by editing it using your W3C account. Please follow the existing formatting by italicizing use case headings and adding indented notes or descriptions below these headings.

The chairs have a couple of requests to frame this phase of the discussion:

- Let's avoid debates on what is in or out of scope. That will come later. Undoubtedly not everything will be in scope, but we first want to collect all the ideas worth collecting.

- For the moment, we would like to focus mostly on what users are doing with musical documents, and return to the question of the nature of the musical content itself at a later point (CMN, neumes, mensural, contemporary, arbitrary graphics...).

I'm very much looking forward to this exchange!


.            .       .    .  . ...Joe

Joe Berkovitz

Noteflight LLC
49R Day Street / Somerville, MA 02144 / USA
phone: +1 978 314 6271<>
"Your music, everywhere"

Received on Tuesday, 8 December 2015 10:35:42 UTC