Re: Localization World Silicon Valley presentations

Patrick [please forward my answer to the ETSI ISG mailing list], I do not
understand why is it so hard for you to accept basic facts about your
I am not commenting at all about the TC/ISG issue. I am merely comparing
standardization organizations. The last column states TC voting rights as a
generic term opposed to organizational voting rights on the consortium
level, e.g W3C does not have TCs, they have WGs, but this hair splitting is
of no import, since participant non-members do not have voting rights either
in TCs or ISGs within ETSI.
Of course my goal is to show that ETSI does NOT create OPEN [I do not
question whether you create world class standards, i just state that your
standards are not open, and AFAIK ETSI never even tried to state that their
standards were open] standards as OASIS and W3C do, the Unicode case is
arguable due to their RAND IPR policy, still they are transparent.
Now, do you want to deny that ETSI yearly membership fee for a midsize LSP
[bigger than microenterprise] is €6000?
You cannot deny this. [I talked to Janaina and she confirmed that this is
what WhP are paying for their yearly fee]
Do you want to deny that non-member participants do not have voting rights
in the ISG-LIS?
You cannot deny this.
Do you want to deny that your mailing lists are not visible to
You cannot deny this.
Do you want to deny that the sole IPR policy ETSI supports is FRAND?
You cannot deny this.
So what is it, you are repeatedly attacking on this slide? What do you want
to correct or clarify?
I guess I refuted your "correction" that you sent a couple of months ago to
the XLIFF comment list clearly enough. If there is still anything to be
clarified I am open.
You may have noticed that I added a star with a clarification, and that I
call the referenced fees "illustrative" compared to Barcelona, you can see
that I am open to constructive clarification, still I do maintain that this
slide provides an accurate and relevant comparison of the said
standardization organizations, relevant for IT industry in general and for
localization industry in particular. Localization industry is not used to
having closed standards, so people need to be educated about the difference.

Thanks and regards

Dr. David Filip
University of Limerick, Ireland
telephone: +353-6120-2781
mobile: +353-86-049-34-68
facsimile: +353-6120-2734

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 11:07, Patrick Guillemin <
> wrote:

> Donna,****
> Thank you for the information and the C1 and C2 presentations****
> C1: Why Localization Standards Matter, Even If You Think They Don’t<>
> Speaker: David Filip<>(LRC/CNGL), Patrick
> Guillemin<>(ETSI), Arle
> Lommel<>(GALA), Jaap
> van der Meer<>(TAUS)
> Moderator: Mary Laplante<>
> Presentation<><< C1.pptx
> ****
> I would like you to add  attached speech I read in C1 “*Patrick GUILLEMIN
> TEXT  in C1 v2.pdf*” with the on-line downloadable C1.pptx presentations**
> **
> C2: A Buyer’s Guide to the Localization Standards Landscape<>
> Panelists: David Filip<>(LRC/CNGL), Patrick
> Guillemin<>(ETSI), Arle
> Lommel<>(GALA), Jaap
> van der Meer<>(TAUS)
> Moderator: Mary Laplante<>
> Presentation<><< C2.pptx
> ****
> I would like again you to add  attached speech I read in C1 “*Patrick
> GUILLEMIN TEXT  in C1 v2.pdf*” with the on-line downloadable C2.pptx
> presentations****
> Again... ;-(****
> Like in LocWorld Barcelona, David Filip inserted a wrong C2.pptx (slide 39)
> statement about ETSI fees/rules not corresponding to the effective work/rule
> done to recreate and maintain LISA OSCAR SIGs standard TBX, GMX, SRX, GMX-V
> and xml:tm in the new ETSI ISG LIS (an ISG *not a TC*). This is well
> explained in my speech.****
> Slide 39 should state that ETSI created an ISG (Industry Specification
> Group) not a TC, so the table is applicable to Technical Committees****
> ** **
> *IPR modes*****
> *Mailing lists*****
> *Fees*****
> *Midsize LSP cost of membership*****
> *(illustrative)*****
> *proportional vote*****
> *Can non-members vote?*****
> *Individual or other low cost option?*****
> *with TC voting rights?*****
> *ETSI*****
> FRAND****
> restricted****
> ******
> €6,000 ****
>  yes* ****
> NO****
> free****
> no****
> *OASIS*****
> RF on RAND****
> public****
> ******
> $7500 (~€5300)****
> NO****
> NO****
> $300/$1200****
> yes****
> *W3C*****
> RF****
> public****
> ******
>  €7,800 ****
> NO****
> NO****
> free****
> yes****
> *Unicode*****
> RAND****
> public****
> *** *****
> $7500 (~€5300)****
> yes****
> NO****
> $75 ****
> no****
> ** **
> ** **
> Best Regards
> Patrick GUILLEMIN - ETSI Secretariat
> Strategy & New Initiatives
> Mobile +33 (0)6 87 74 52 09
> Tel +33 (0)4 92 94 43 31****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **

Received on Tuesday, 25 October 2011 12:41:43 UTC