[]Minutes] MLW-LT call 2013-10-30 and infos

Hi all,

the minutes of last call are at
and below as text. Thanks a lot to Dave for helping out in the last 
minute. Some comments below:

- About "51,062,400 seconds": thanks to Yves for being precise, as usual :)

- About the press release: W3C is not doing a lot of press releases 
these days. The W3C communications guys encouraged us to write a blog 
entry for
This blog has a high visibility. And we can translate the blog in other 
languages too and link to these from the blog entry.

- Costs for review travel: If I read the grand agreement correctly this 
can be covered during 60 days after the end of the projcet.

- Next call: let's skip next week and have a call 13 November, 1 p.m. UTC
we will then use the ITS IG umbrella

- Felix


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                                MLW-LT WG

30 Oct 2013



    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2013/10/30-mlw-lt-irc


           davelewis, Ankit, kfritsche, Jirka, swalter, Nieves,
           omstefanov, Yves, pedro, Milan, pnietoca, leroy

           felix, arle




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Celebration of ITS 2.0 becoming Recommendation
          2. [6]Input needed for final LT-Web outreach
          3. [7]Deliverable for EC project
          4. [8]marid agenda
      * [9]Summary of Action Items

    <daveL> agenda:


    agenda approved as is

Celebration of ITS 2.0 becoming Recommendation

    chrili: How long actually it took from charter to REC?

    daveL: Might be we can mention this in press release. W3C is
    probably going to make press release.

    <kfritsche> 608 days since 12/03/01 (don't know if this is the
    correct date)

    <Yves_> If the start was March-17-2012 The duration was: 591
    days or: 1 year, 7 months, 12 days or 51,062,400 seconds or
    851,040 minutes or 14,184 hours

    pedro: Each WG member should translate this PR and distribute
    it inside their country.

    <scribe> ACTION: DaveL to Draft a press release [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-568 - Draft a press release [on David
    Lewis - due 2013-11-06].

    <omstefanov> All press releases, and all translations should be
    stored in the wiki, to be accessible by all

Input needed for final LT-Web outreach



    Nieves goes through Arle's email

    Nieves: We should do video about project.
    ... script was sent recently in an email.



    <kfritsche> Jirka: we shouldn't mention RDF, could scare people

    <kfritsche> .. it is complicated and should leave it out

    <kfritsche> +1

    pedro: We can go through deliverables and add more bullet
    ... especially business related

    swalter: We can add something about locQuality and we can also
    mention that things that in past have to be transmitted by side
    channel can be put inside content directly.

    omstefanov: We can mention that simplified process has impact
    on costs.

    <pedro> For more arguments to use ITS2, see D3.2.3 section 5
    and D4.2.2 section 6.

    chrili: Video is just different medium for what we already
    have. Video should show standard in action. Eg. Someone using

    <pedro> +1

    omstefanov: We can put labels with key points as an overlay.
    ... video shouldn't be just PPT presentation

    <pedro> To show standards in action in the videos, Arle and
    Nieves should count with implementer's assistance.

    Nieves: Video should be released after Madrid F2F

    Pedro: Each should provide script for their tools.

    Nieves: This should be general introductory video. More
    detailed videos can be created later.

    omstefanov: We should spent money on some professionals doing
    really good video.

    Nieves: DFKI already has some production company.

    <omstefanov> The professional should be OUTSIDE our group, This
    will help challenge us to use words that non-insiders will
    understand, instead of just using insider jargon.

    <Yves_> I will ask

    <Nieves> We have scheduled to produce the video around the week
    of 18-22.11.13

    DaveL: There will be one general video and 1-2 minutes long
    videos for most important implementations/tools/platforms.


      [14] http://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/ITS_Implementations

Deliverable for EC project



    <pedro> See sample of video (not high quality :-() in


    <Nieves> thanks pedro

    daveL: We need to collect PDFs for commision.

    Milan: David will incorporate some edits into D3.1.2 and
    provide final PDF soon

    D3.1.3 is already done

    swalter: D3.1.5 is living document, final PDF will produced
    from it after Madrid F2F

    Who is responsible for D3.2.1? Probably Phil.

    D3.2.2 is done

    <Yves_> I need to leave, sorry.

    <pnietoca> me too bye!

    D3.2.3 final version will provided by Nov 8th

    D4.3 Milan will update this soon

    D5.1.1 is finished, but no feedback received yet

    D5.1.2 David will make changes based on Milan feedback

    D5.1.2 it si done, Ankit will update Wiki

marid agenda



    daveL: Follow up project LIDER will be discussed.
    ... Future of MLW Workshops

    <daveL> [18]http://doodle.com/6dwv2hckmxrbs2cw

      [18] http://doodle.com/6dwv2hckmxrbs2cw

    daveL: Project finish. We will not be able to cover travel to
    review meeting from project.

    Serge: We should extend Madrid agenda with outreach activities

    <chriLi> quit

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: DaveL to Draft a press release [recorded in

    [End of minutes]

     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [20]scribe.perl version
     1.138 ([21]CVS log)
     $Date: 2013-11-01 07:57:29 $

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Received on Friday, 1 November 2013 08:10:05 UTC