Re: [Agenda] MLW-LT call 11 February, 3 p.m. UTC

Dear Felix, Dear MLW-LT colleagues,

Sorry, but something has come up that prevents me from taking part this 
afternoon. I will try to listen in, but will only be able to do so in part.

The first of 2 links you have for the raw minutes, the one containing 
the date 2013/02/07 is invalid.
The meeting took place on the 6th; the second link is valid.

My apologies to all - these were the first I've ever done as scribe, and 
I got/took the position at zero minutes notice.
Thanks for bearing with me and thank you to those who corrected things I 
didn't get quite right.
It is rather challenging to listen and type at the same time. But I will 
try again, if needed, and try to do a better job.

I hope to take part again, fully on Wednesday.

Have a good meeting today.
olaf-michael (omstefanov)

On 2013-02-11 08:29, Felix Sasaki wrote:
> Hi all,
> below is the agenda for today's call.
> Raw minutes from last week (needs still cleanup, Felix will do with 
> guidance from Dave):
> 0) Prague ITS2 presence
> Brief report about XML Prague and ITS2 impact.
> 1) "high level use cases" document publishing
> goal: check - is everything on track?
> - wg participants go through text by 15 Feb
> - christian goes through text by 18 Feb
> - publication: 18 Feb
> NOTE: this will be a *draft*, that is not a final publication. We will 
> update that later in the year and then finalize it as a "NOTE", that 
> is an informative document.
> 2) xml:lang vs. lang issue-110
> still not resolved - next steps?
> 3) NIF comments
> Update about the latest state 
> 4) Space normalization for its:locNOte (no issue number yet)
> 5) issues in note in 2.1.2 (no issue number yet) 
> 6) not an issue, but anyway: proposed wiki changes
> thanks to all for the feedback, I'll implement the changes by Friday 
> this week
> 7) xliff samples
> goal: discuss: does this meet people's requirements?
> 8) inline global rules in xhtml and other xhtml stuff - issue-115 
> SHOULD + SHOULD NOT examples
> goal: check - is there a follow-up needed?, e.g. a note in the its2 
> draft?
> 9) disambiguation vs. term - update on issue-68
> Felix, Marcis, Tadej and Christian are moving this forward in 
> separated calls, since it is hard to get all of them on a WG call.
> 10) Other issues that need discussion to close "last call" period
> See
> and action items
> we have discussed all issues; execpt the above topics, there is 
> nothing but editing and get back to commentors. Do you see anything we 
> have missed?
> 11) Rome preparation heads up
> FYI: the call 20 February (wednesday) will be dedictated to the MLW-LT 
> poster session. We will review poster drafts and explain how the 
> session and the LT-Web review in Luxembourg (same week as Rome) will 
> work. Hence, we will not discuss issues.
> 12) AOB
> Best,
> Felix

Received on Monday, 11 February 2013 12:30:14 UTC