[All] f2f wrap up (part 2)

Hi all,

I tried to clean up the minutes a bit, see



let me know if you have comments. I also cleaned up the action items, see


Can you change the due dates to realistic ones?

Below are comments on the introduction - let's go through these during the
"editing" call on Monday. For the "OTHERS" comments - comments welcome.





<fsasaki> "ITS 2.0 is backwards compatibly with ITS 1.0 in terms of ITS

<omstefanov> suggest rephrasing that to ""ITS 2.0 is backwards compatible
with ITS 1.0 in terms of ITS mechanisms"

CSS selectors: indicate in the introduction that this is at risk

"The increasing usage of XML as a medium for documentation-related content
(e.g. DocBook and DITA as formats for writing structured documentation,
well suited to computer hardware and software manuals)": should mention
also HTML5

Would be helpful to reference other documents from the introduction

Suggest adding vertical layout by referring to Japanese to list of example

we can have a section in 1.3 focussed on XLIFF

... currently we have users identified as schema developers, schema
managers, vendors of tools.... need to add for localisation workflow
managers. This is an action for Dave.

ACTION-224 - Provide a section of MT service provider as user [on Pedro
Luis Díez Orzas - due 2012-10-02].


Saxon library to convert XML Schema into java regex, for Okapi. Something
for Jirka to look up?

Should we drop the “checking ITS constraints with schematron” section,
since we probably won’t define schematron constraints for ITS 2.0?


Received on Friday, 28 September 2012 12:36:12 UTC