Re: [all] Disambiguation

Hi Yves,

Great, Thanks!

I am also looking forward to receiving more on, or the solution of the 
"'explicit' and 'implicit'" issue.

Cheers -- Jörg

On Nov 17, 2012 at 14:00 (CET), Yves Savourel wrote:
> Hi Tadej, Jörg, Felix, all,
> I've implemented the changes for Dismabiguation:
> -- added disambigGranularity to the global rule (optional, but the matter of the default still need to be answered).
> -- updated the examples
> -- implemented Jörg's changes
> For those:
> - I kept the 'explicit' and 'implicit' wording because I didn't know what the outcome of
> and is.
> - I've also not applied some of re-wording changes from Jörg when it comes to which/that in describing the attributes. The reason: the original wording is using what most all other data categories are using. If it's not correct we should change all of them.
> - In the text "The Disambiguation data category is either specified with global rules, or locally at an individual markup element. In the latter case, the disambiguation information applies to the textual content of that element. There is no inheritance."
> I've removed the part "In the latter case, the disambiguation information applies to the textual content of that element.". The reason: it seems to be the only data category where we explicitly specify this. I've tried to stay consistent. If we need to specify it we should do it everywhere we have similar cases (Terminology, etc.).
> - I've replaced "The value can be one of the following identifiers: lexicalConcept, ontologyConcept, or entity."
>               by "The value MUST be one of the following identifiers: lexicalConcept, ontologyConcept, or entity".
> have a good week-end,
> -yves

Received on Sunday, 18 November 2012 15:25:32 UTC