[All] Call for consensus (Re: finished edits to requirements document)

Thanks a lot, Dave.

All, this is another call for consensus to publish the draft.

The *frozen* version is at


Changes to the wiki will not automatically be reflected in that version. If
there is no comment in this thread until 22 May *Tuesday morning* (European
time) I will request publication as a first public working draft.



2012/5/18 Dave Lewis <dave.lewis@cs.tcd.ie>

> Hi Felix,
> Did the following:
> 1) added some general terminology as discussed previously, especially for
> non-localisation people
> 2) clarified the relation between content and the cms as a specific
> product class, and also in relation to other product classes. Added web
> browser as product class
> 3) changed, where appropriate, reference to CMS to either 'content',
> 'client' or 'client's systems'
> 4) updated wording on use cases where the benefit was not really clear.
> Looking at them, there are some that overlap and there are surely some
> usecases not in there to support all the data categories. In the next
> version we should refactor the use cases so that they are integrated with
> the data categories, of the benefits of implementing them are easier to
> ascertain. I hihglighted the importance of XLIFF roundtripping in a use
> case also
> 5) checked all mentions of ITS specify either ITS1.0 or 2.0.
> 6) made some changes to the comment related to readiness data category
> after list post and discussion with pedro
> I think this is good enough now to go to publishing for this draft.
> Thanks from the co-chairs to everyone to date for their inputs.

Felix Sasaki
DFKI / W3C Fellow

Received on Friday, 18 May 2012 07:24:10 UTC