AW: [All] ITS 2.0 first draft, please review by Thursday

Hello Felix,

Thanks a lot! That makes things clearer for me. I've now freed some time to look at the document tomorrow so if I find anything I can provide some input too :)


Von: Felix Sasaki []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012 18:48
An: Moritz Hellwig
Cc:; Carina Pellar
Betreff: Re: [All] ITS 2.0 first draft, please review by Thursday

Hi Moritz,

the W3C process works on the basis of "if people don't object, we move forward". For important steps like finalizing the standard, there is a lot of time to review things. See the timeline described at
2.2 Milestones. You need to put these dates into your calendar:
- May 2012: publish a first draft of ITS .20. This is what we are doing now. If you don't have time to review the draft, that's fine - there are plenty of opportunities to update it later.
- November 2012: publish a last call draft. This is the most serious deadline: the draft needs to be 100% feature complete. That includes detailed definitions of features, that is having "empty" sections like
filled in like
with consensus of the whole group. Please put this deadline into your calendar with a red pen: by November your company and all partners need to work on getting consensus.
- Before November 2012, btw, we will publish a lot of updated working drafts, just to demonstrate change to the wider public.
- For the other deadlines after November: CR means implementation testing, PR means a final view on the document from the W3C membership. These are serious deadlines too, but again there is more time.

So you and the other participants should always have the charter in mind, that's it.
2012/6/19 Moritz Hellwig <<>>
Hello Felix,

I'll try to look at it tomorrow, but a three-day deadline to check and revise such a document is a bit short notice.

Why do you want to read the whole document? We said since about 1/2 a year ago that we will create a successor of ITS 1.0 - and in the mail at
I sent out the diff to ITS 1.0. I am sure that you took the time and had a look at ITS 1.0; so now you only need to look at the diff

If you have more such deadlines in mind for the future, could you provide dates for that.

The dates for publications of updated working drafts will continue to come on a short notice, with about a week notice. Important is that you have a look at the DIFF and the list of changes.

A list of dates would be enough for me to put in my calendar.

See above, we will only have the "global" dates.

I think you know the W3C process more than anybody else in the consortium so it would be great if you could maybe clarify all these deadlines, how they work, what the next phase means for the draft / project and so on. I think this would also help the other LT-Web partners to understand how the process works as most of the members do not know it at all.

Does above explanation help you? If not, please let me know, I'm more than happy to provide more info.




Von: Felix Sasaki [<>]
Gesendet: Montag, 18. Juni 2012 03:09
Betreff: [All] ITS 2.0 first draft, please review by Thursday

Hi all,

after the great success of our workshop last week, let's go into the next round :)

See the editors copy of ITS 2.0 at
and, not in the editors copy, the status section at
ITS 2.0 is based on ITS 1.0, see the changes done so far at

I am sure I forgot *a lot*, but we want to get a first draft out soon, so this should be a basis. By Thursday, please reply *to this thread* and
- Let me know what to change
- Propose additions (paragraphs, sections etc.), if possible with detailed wording
I will then implement your proposals on Friday and issue a call for consensus on Monday next week, so that we can publish 28 July.

What we need from now on (not necessarily for the first publication) are:
- Test data, which serves also as examples, see e.g.
- Descriptions of the data categories, following the approach of the ITS 1.0 existing ones. Again, detailed wording is very much appreciated
- Detailed wordings for all our issues we resolved already, e.g. the algorithms for generating RDFa / NIF, the query language attribute etc.

Thanks a lot for your contributions in advance! A word at Arle, Dave and Jirka: I will come back to you offline about editing - as Jirka knows, the setup is based on XML, for the sake of coherence etc. But you will get used to that soon, I'm sure.



Felix Sasaki
DFKI / W3C Fellow

Felix Sasaki
DFKI / W3C Fellow

Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2012 16:50:46 UTC