Re: ACTION-139 options for test suite design

+1. The nodelist-with-its-information.xml is based on what we did for the
ITS 1.0 test suite, but making this simpler sounds like a good plan.


2012/7/27 Yves Savourel <>

> Hi Felix, Dave, all,
> Just a few notes about testing:
> I was starting to look at producing output similar to Felix's
> nodelist-with-its-information.xml and I was wondering if outputting
> something that is more easily comparable would not be simpler.
> You need to use special tools to compare two XML documents (to ignore
> whitepace, etc.), while maybe a simple tab-delimited list of nodes and the
> expected info (outputType, output) can be very easily compared. Just a
> thought.
> Another one: we should probably sort the list of the attribute nodes on
> output as different engine will give you different order.
> Cheers,
> -ys

Felix Sasaki
DFKI / W3C Fellow

Received on Friday, 27 July 2012 09:55:50 UTC