Meeting minutes for today's call

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                               - DRAFT -

            MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group Teleconference

19 Jul 2012



   See also: [3]IRC log



          Dave Lewis

          Arle Lommel


     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Agenda
         2. [6]Previous week's minutes
         3. [7]Completing current ITS2.0 draft
         4. [8]Other open issues
         5. [9]Other topics
         6. [10]Prague meeting
     * [11]Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot> Date: 19 July 2012

   <scribe> scribe: Arle Lommel

   <scribe> Meeting: MLW-LT Phone call 19, July, 2012, 14:00. UTC




   Dave: We will prioritize by two things: (1) what needs to be
   done to the current version of the document (July 26);
   ... (2) Agreement on all data categories/call for consensus
   (end of month)
   ... (3) If time, what we do next month.

Previous week's minutes

   <daveL> [13]


Completing current ITS2.0 draft

   Olaf-Michael: Can please add to list of regrets for previous

   <scribe> ACTION: Dave to add Olaf-Michael to regrets. [recorded

   <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Dave

   <scribe> ACTION: daveL to add Olaf-Michael to regrets.
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-170 - Add Olaf-Michael to regrets.
   [on David Lewis - due 2012-07-26].

   Dave: Deadline for changes was yesterday.
   ... I was going to go through them one by one.

   Arle: There is a lot remaining to be done.

   Dave: queryLanguage needs to be handled. Jirka was supposed to
   do this.

   Arle: I can create the queryLanguage examples, just not the
   technical specification.

   Dave: There were some general points about XPath links and

   Arle: queryLanguage would support an arbitrary XML structure
   with CSS.

   Dave: Check the links in HTML5 on the list to see what it was.

   <scribe> ACTION: Arle to verify what HTML5 and links refers to.
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-171 - Verify what HTML5 and links
   refers to. [on Arle Lommel - due 2012-07-26].

   Shaun: External Resource, locale filter and ?? are mine.
   ... External resource is in. I've added locale filter, but not
   all examples.
   ... preserve space, I only got feedback from Jirka.

   Dave: Let's come back. There's more on that. Anything that
   wasn't in this version could go in the next. Preserve space may
   be on the border.
   ... Shaun, can you add examples for locale filter?

   <scribe> ACTION: shaunm to add examples by tomorrow. [recorded

   <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - shaunm

   <scribe> ACTION: Shaun to add examples by tomorrow. [recorded

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-172 - Add examples by tomorrow. [on
   Shaun McCance - due 2012-07-26].

   Dave: domain data category, I reviewed, and have some comments.
   ... We want to confirm that you are happy with domain, Yves.

   Yves: Yes, I am.

   Dave: I have some comments, but Felix addressed them.
   ... I do have some questions on overriding behavior, but I
   think we can say this one is done.
   ... Those three are there, or nearly there. We also wanted
   idValue. This is Jirka's action.

   <scribe> ACTION: Jirka to update group on current status of
   idValue. [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-173 - Update group on current status
   of idValue. [on Jirka Kosek - due 2012-07-26].

   Dave: The question is how much can make it in versus how much
   goes to the next version.

   Shaun: What about its parameters?

   Yves: I was supposed to work on this.

   Dave: Can this be done by Monday?
   ... Let's have a quick discussion with Felix on Monday to
   review the current content.

   <scribe> ACTION: Felix to discuss with Arle and Dave about
   current document status on Monday. [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-174 - Discuss with Arle and Dave
   about current document status on Monday. [on Felix Sasaki - due

   Dave: For other ones we need more discussion and probably won't
   make it in this version. Others can wait.
   ... We can only go with the content we have.

   <scribe> ACTION: daveL to contact Jirka before Monday for
   update on his actions. [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-175 - Contact Jirka before Monday for
   update on his actions. [on David Lewis - due 2012-07-26].

Other open issues

   Dave: We need to push the other ones forward through call for
   consensus by end of July.
   ... Target pointer. Yves, what feedback did you get?

   Yves: I think everything is fine now.

   Dave: Do we have text and examples?

   Yves: Yes, it's there, and it's ready to pick up. idValue seems
   to be in the same state.

   Dave: can you post it to the list as a reminder, Yves?
   ... Should we try to put target pointer in this version.

   Yves: Yes, I don't see why not.

   <scribe> ACTION: Arle to get targetPointer text from Yves and
   add to spec. [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-176 - Get targetPointer text from
   Yves and add to spec. [on Arle Lommel - due 2012-07-26].

   <Yves_> the text for idValue is here:






   Dave: Next is qaError. Turned into discussion about reference

   Yves: We had a two-hour meeting earlier today. Can we

   <Yves_> the text for target pointer is here:


   Arle: Summary: We are looking at a mix of inline markups and

   Dave: What about user-defined values and registration.

   <philr> For quality we want to support both a light-weight,
   shallow parse set of data inline plus more extensible
   externally referenced method

   Arle: The idea is to declare certain enumerated top-level items
   and then have an option for user-defined things.

   Phil: I will share some examples of an implementation we've
   done in-house and then try to see how we would map them to ITS
   to see how we would approach it.
   ... We want to support the light-weight inline model + the more
   extensive referenced model.
   ... That supports certain rendering requirements.

   Dave: Who will create the call for consensus?

   Phil: Arle, Yves, and I will meet with Felix.

   Arle: I think we are close to consensus, but Felix will be the

   Dave: It sounds like this is on the way.
   ... Also consider ISSUE-34, on quality with relation to
   Interoperability Now!.

   Arle: We've got Quality Note, but we also have Quality Profile,
   which defines what you're using.
   ... We have a clean semantic distinction between them now.

   Dave: Let's discuss preserve space.

   <philr> qualityProfile is the criteria against which content is

   <philr> qualityNote is the result of carrying out a check using
   the aulityProfile

   Shaun: I have feedback only from Jirka. I sent the call for
   consensus and am just waiting for feedback and support.

   Dave: So it uses CSS.



   Shaun: We shouldn't address this in the spec. It could be done
   in a separate tool, but there are ways to comply with the spec
   that don't require us to do anything at all.

   Dave: We have the call for consensus, and if nothing else, can
   you do the examples by Monday and out next week?

   Shaun: Yes.

   <scribe> ACTION: Shaun to draft text for preserve space
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-177 - Draft text for preserve space
   [on Shaun McCance - due 2012-07-26].

   Dave: I'm working on provenance. No feedback. I think it needs
   a bit more work. There are two parts: (1) agents that perform
   translation or authoring (simple, with identifiers); (2)
   open-ended provenance approach to integrate with Provenance
   working group.
   ... Both are different angles on provenance, but there is no
   dependency between them. I'll treat them separately for the
   spec by early next week, but it will be for the next version to
   allow for feedback.
   ... Then there are the ones that Tadej deals with: text
   analytics, disambiguation, and named entity.

   Tadej: I put out a call for consensus on named entity. People
   seemed happy. I haven't put out a call on the other pieces. I
   need to come up with a nice writeup that incorporates Felix's
   feedback. Tomorrow or early next week should be a good time for
   a call for consensus.

   Dave: Sounds good. If they go through OK, they will be in the
   next version.

   Tadej: I structured them to allow for easy incorporation.

Other topics

   Dave: Thanks to all for your work. We're looking healthy.
   ... One thing, I'm not clear what the date is for the next
   release. The cut-off is this month, but then we need another
   round of editing and review, catching anything missing from
   this version.
   ... Any other ones people wanted to push forward? I don't
   encourage it (we have a good list).
   ... Let's discuss the date next week.
   ... I imagine it will be end of August, given what's going on.
   ... Then we move to make sure the proposals work, start
   ... I posted a response to Felix about the test suite. He did
   good work based on the ITS 1.0 test suite. We need to add the
   new categories and add support for HTML5. We'll have documents
   based on 1.0 with new support for 2.0 in mid-August.

   <omstefanov> What is date of Prague meeting? And is there a
   link somewhere at
   about it?

   Dave: How do we sign off on the test suite?



   Arle: Olaf, it is 25–26 September

   Dave: Yves, any idea on the process for signing off, being sure
   that the files are correct tests. I don't want to have people
   do testing with a defective suite.

   Yves: Some of this is complex. I don't know if it's doable for
   all data categories.

   Dave: Leroy and Dominic will start work with the 1.0 suite and
   test it for the 1.0 tags and then update it for HTML. Then we
   would try to use the same approach for the new ones, then we'd
   see what issues we hit and try to solve them as a group.

   <omstefanov> I see the date at
   n_Page#Upcoming but there is no further information (link)
   there, about where and when. Who is hosting? Timing (e.g. do we
   need to arrive the evening before)?


   Yves: Some of the Linguaserve stuff will be very difficult to
   test automatically.

   Dave: We'll discuss this all here and see what we can get out
   ASAP. That will help us hit problems as soon as possible.
   ... But nailing down data categories complicates it.

Prague meeting

   <scribe> ACTION: Dave to start discussion about Prague meeting
   and put on agenda by next week. [recorded in

   <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Dave

   <scribe> ACTION: daveL to start discussion about Prague meeting
   and put on agenda by next week. [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-178 - Start discussion about Prague
   meeting and put on agenda by next week. [on David Lewis - due

   Dave: One related item is about having CNGL do a demo at the
   LRC meeting in Limerick, to show CMS and TMS integration.
   ... It would show translate, provenance, named entity, and one
   ... I will meet to discuss next week.
   ... Maybe we make this more open to show other implementations
   if there is interest.
   ... We don't know dates yet, but will discuss next week.

   <philr> It looks like I'll be going to Loc. World

   Dave: David Filip has also discussed FEISGILLT. Anyone going to
   Seattle could show a demo. Contact me or David.
   ... Showing a few implementations would really help promote our

   Arle: I should go too.

   Olaf-Michael: I think that international organizations are
   paragraphs about what you would show at FEISGILLT and CNGL,
   because then maybe some NGO reps could attend and see where you
   are going.
   ... These organizations could send people but need to know
   about it. I will help draft something.

   <scribe> ACTION: omstefanov to help draft blurb for
   international organizations. [recorded in

   <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - omstefanov

   <scribe> ACTION: daveL to work with Olaf-Michael to help draft
   blurb for international organizations. [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-179 - Work with Olaf-Michael to help
   draft blurb for international organizations. [on David Lewis -
   due 2012-07-26].

   Olaf-Michael: I see my role in building awareness and helping

   Dave: I'll keep Arle and Felix in the loop on this.

   rssagent, generate minutes

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Arle to get targetPointer text from Yves and add
   to spec. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Arle to verify what HTML5 and links refers to.
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Dave to add Olaf-Michael to regrets. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Dave to start discussion about Prague meeting and
   put on agenda by next week. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: daveL to add Olaf-Michael to regrets. [recorded
   [NEW] ACTION: daveL to contact Jirka before Monday for update
   on his actions. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: daveL to start discussion about Prague meeting
   and put on agenda by next week. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: daveL to work with Olaf-Michael to help draft
   blurb for international organizations. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Felix to discuss with Arle and Dave about current
   document status on Monday. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Jirka to update group on current status of
   idValue. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: omstefanov to help draft blurb for international
   organizations. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Shaun to add examples by tomorrow. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Shaun to draft text for preserve space [recorded
   [NEW] ACTION: shaunm to add examples by tomorrow. [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

Received on Thursday, 19 July 2012 15:22:52 UTC