[Action 150] queryAttribute

Hi all,

In reviewing the specification I see that there are numerous places where *Pointer attributes are to be updated in regard to queryAttribute. I've reviewed the document and notes in the tracker and see that Felix was supposed to update this prior to leaving on vacation, but I don't think he was able to get to it.

I believe the intent was to cover the use of CSS selectors as an alternative to XPath, correct? (Maybe Jirka can help clarify here.)

So would this example

	xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" >
		<its:rules version="2.0">
			<its:withinTextRule withinText="yes" selector="//title|//author"/>
			<its:withinTextRule withinText="no" selector="//prolog/title|//prolog/author"/>
		<title>Designing User Interfaces</title>
		<author>Janice Prakash</author>
		<keywords>user interface, ui, software interface</keywords>
		<p>The book <title>Of Mice and Screens</title> by <author>Aldus 
			Brandywine</author> is one of the best introductions to the vast 
			topic of designing user interfaces.

Then become something like this?

	xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" >
		<its:rules version="2.0" queryAttribute="css">
			<its:withinTextRule withinText="yes" selector="title, author"/>
			<its:withinTextRule withinText="no" selector="prolog title, prolog author"/>
		<title>Designing User Interfaces</title>
		<author>Janice Prakash</author>
		<keywords>user interface, ui, software interface</keywords>
		<p>The book <title>Of Mice and Screens</title> by <author>Aldus 
			Brandywine</author> is one of the best introductions to the vast 
			topic of designing user interfaces.

If that is correct, I will create examples to show this mechanism.


Received on Tuesday, 17 July 2012 12:58:31 UTC