BP topics again (Re: Translate + Provenance)

Hi Pablo, all,

Am 18.12.12 15:35, schrieb Pablo Nieto Caride:
> Hi all,
> I have a doubt concerning the usage of translate and provenance. Would 
> it be possible

there is nothing in ITS2 that forbids what you write below: you can 
combine data categories as you wish. A different question is whether the 
below makes sense. I don't see a use case for this, but I may miss 

All: we have gathered various best practice related topics, including 
this one. I associated related action items with the "best practices 
document" product in tracker, see the action item list at


For now Dave and I are action item "holders", but please rather see this 
as place holders. As said during the monday call, a best practice 
document is not a needed deliverable. We need a volunteer / champion to 
invest time in it.



> to have an element like this?
> <span translate="no" 
> toolRef="http://www.onlinemtex.com/2012/7/25/wsdl/">This text is 
> non-translatable</span>
> I mean, It would be a text that is non-translatable, and after a 
> request is sent to a MT System that doesn't not translate it of 
> course, but my question is, would it make sense to add to the element 
> information about the provenance? I don't think so.
> Many thanks in advance!
> *__________________________________*
> *Pablo Nieto Caride*
> *Dpto. Técnico/I+D+i*
> *Linguaserve Internacionalización de Servicios, S.A.*
> *Tel.: +34 91 761 64 60 ext. 0422
> Fax: +34 91 542 89 28 *
> *E-mail: **pablo.nieto@linguaserve.com 
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Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2012 09:37:59 UTC