Re: [All] its-tool-ref vs. its-tools-ref

Hi folks,
With these ammendments, now everything sounds pretty much correct and 
Cheers -- Jörg

On Dec 02, 2012 at 16:15 (UTC+1), Yves Savourel wrote:
> Hi Felix, Phil, Dave, all,
>> 1) sometimes you want to provide tool information just
>> about the textual data
>> 2) sometimes you want to provide tool information
>> about the textual data + annotations
>> 3) sometimes you want to provide tool information
>> about just annotations
> So this is case 1):
> <span its:provOrg='xyz-corp'
>        its:provToolRef='myMTiri'
>        >text</span>
> This is case 1) and case 2) at the same time:
> (with the fudging that myMTuri is not really doing the annotation, but provides the information being carried by the annotation (the confidence score))
> <span its:provOrg='xyz-corp'
>        its:provToolRef='myMTiri'
>        its:mtConfidence='0.8'
>        its:annotatorsRef='mt-confidence|myMTiri'>text</span>
> I assume this is case 2) and case 3), but case 1) is not done here:
> <span its:provOrg='xyz-corp'
>        its:mtConfidence='0.8'
>        its:annotatorsRef='provenance|SomeToolIri mt-confidence|myMTiri'>text</span>
> I assume this is case 1), 2) and 3) at the same time:
> <span its:provOrg='xyz-corp'
>        its:provToolRef='myMTiri'
>        its:mtConfidence='0.8'
>        its:annotatorsRef='provenance|SomeToolIri mt-confidence|myMTiri'>text</span>
> The fact that in these two last cases the two IRIs of annotatorsRef points to different things (one is the tool that added the markup, the other is the tool that provided the info to carry in the markup) is still bothering me a bit. But I suppose if it's explained in the ITS Tool Annotation section (and the Provenance section) it's OK.
> The added text seems ok.
> Typos/notes:
> -- "...only meant to be used then actual ITS annotation is involved" should be "...only meant to be used ***when*** actual ITS annotation is involved"
> -- "Example 27: Example of ITS Tool Annotation" maybe: "Example 27: Example of ITS Tools Annotation"?
> cheers,
> -yves

Received on Sunday, 2 December 2012 15:49:06 UTC