Re: [ISSUE-34]: Revised description and example

Thanks for the feedback. As you can tell, that one isn't really fleshed out anyway. Perhaps Phil can comment on this one as, I think, he proposed it. 

But I agree: we do not want to define workflows, which is a dangerous precedent.



Arle Lommel
Berlin, Germany
Skype: arle_lommel
Phone (US): +1 707 709 8650

Sent from a mobile device. Please excuse any typos.

On Aug 2, 2012, at 13:49, Des Oates <> wrote:

> Thanks for the quick update Arle.
> I have one comment on this attribute:
> ‘translation-quality-stage’ : Permissible values = picklist...
> I don’t believe the picklist should be enforced as this implies a workflow.  For instance what happens if I have 2 ‘review’ stages in my workflow.  (E.g. linguistic then legal, or Automated then Human, or  LSP then Customer etc).  Same applies for translation stage (E.g.  MT then post –edit).  If the picklist doesn’t map to every conceivable workflow stage in every conceivable workflow, then this field runs the risk of containing erroneous state information which if consumed incorrectly may lead to further workflow or routing problems.
> One solution may be to define permissible values for this field as part of the  definition referenced by the ’its-translation-quality-profile’.   However that adds a great deal of implementation complexity which I (and I would guess any implementers) am not keen on.  
> So my preference here would be to leave the field as arbitrary text, or make the picklist values non-mandatory, and allow user-defined values
> Thanks
> Des
> From: Arle Lommel [] 
> Sent: 02 August 2012 12:07
> To: Multilingual Web LT Public List
> Subject: [ISSUE-34]: Revised description and example
> Hi all,
> Based on the feedback from Des and Felix about the naming convention, here is a revised description table and example.
> -Arle
> Attribute name
> Description
> Permissible values
> Notes
> Definite attributes (these ones are well established)
> its-translation-quality-profile
> Pointer to a description of the quality assessment model in use, with a description of the categories
> Potentially we might need a way to map a qname used elsewhere to a specific profile, but discussion between Arle, Yves, and Phil felt that a single its-translation-quality-profile per document was probably sufficient
> its-translation-quality-score
> The score value generated by a quality assessment process
> integer value from 0 to 100. Higher values equal better scores.
> Users would need to normalize internal scores to match this system upon generation and convert these scores to match their own internal system upon consumption.
> its-translation-quality-type
> top-level quality type, as defined in the specification
> picklist value (see previous mails)
> ITS 2.0-compliant tools that use these categories would need to map their internal values to these types
> its-translation-quality-code
> At internal classification code for a quality issue as produced by the generating tool
> qname + text
> If we only allow one profile for document, we might be able to drop the qname portion and infer the data based on the its-translation-quality-profile attribute.
> its-translation-quality-comment
> A human-readable description of the quality issue
> text
> Use of its-translation-quality-comment would be strongly recommended   in any cases where the value of other is used for its-translation-quality-type.
> its-translation-quality-severity
> A numerical value representing the severity of the issue, as defined by the model generating the metadata
> number from 0 to 1 with up to two decimal places, with higher values equaling greater severity
> It is up to tools to map the numerical values of this to their own system. We can provide some informative guidelines for how this is to be done based on internal severity systems.
> Potential attributes (we are less certain on these)
> its-translation-quality-stage
> A value to indicate the status of a particular issue in a review workflow
> Picklist, consisting of:
> translated|
> reviewed|
> rebuttal|
> agreed
> The precise meaning of these values remains to be defined
> its-translation-quality-threshold
> A value which defines a passing score for its-translation-quality-score
> integer value from 0 to 100.
> A value of its-translation-quality-score greater than or equal to the value of its-translation-quality-threshold is deemed to have passed the quality assessment process.
> It may make sense to leave this as part of the description referred to in its-translation-quality-profile, but having it here would allow processes to automate actions based on whether the file passes or not.
> its-translation-quality-agent
> An identifier for the agent that produced the quality results
> ??? Perhaps a picklist with humanand machine as values
> Needs better definition
> <!DOCTYPE html>
> <html lang="en">
>                 <head>
>                                 <title>Telharmonium 1897</title>
>                                 <meta name="its-translation-quality-profile" content="" />
>                                 <meta name="its-translation-quality-score" content="56" />
>                                 <style type="text/css">
>                                                 [its-translation-quality-type]{
>                                                                 border:1px solid green;
>                                                                 margin:2px;
>                                                 }
>                                                 [its-translation-quality-type = untranslated]{
>                                                                 background-color:red;
>                                                 }
>                                                 [its-translation-quality-type = whitespace]{
>                                                                 background-color:yellow;
>                                                 }
>                                                 [its-translation-quality-type = inconsistent-entities]{
>                                                                 background-color:#9DFFE1;
>                                                 }
>                                                 [its-translation-quality-type = spelling]{
>                                                                 background-color:#FFE2F7;
>                                                 }
>                                                 [its-translation-quality-severity = "1.0"]{
>                                                                 border:6px solid red;
>                                                 }</style>
>                 </head>
>                 <body>
>                                 <h1 id="h0001" its-translation-quality-type="untranslated"
>                                                 its-translation-quality-code="dfki:target_equals_source"> Telharmonium (1897)</h1>
>                                 <p id="p0001">
>                                                 <span class="segment" id="s0001"><span its-translation-quality-type="inconsistent-entities"
>                                                                                 its-translation-quality-code="dfki:named_entity_not_found"
>                                                                                 its-translation-quality-note="Should be Thaddeus Cahill. Why is Batman in the picture?"
>                                                                                 its-translation-quality-severity="1.0">Christian Bale</span>
>                                                                 <span its-translation-quality-type="whitespace"
>                                                                                 its-translation-quality-code="dfki:extra_space_around_punctuation"
>                                                                                 its-translation-quality-severity="0.1">(1867 – 1934)</span> conceived of an instrument that could
>                                                                 transmit its sound from a power plant for hundreds of miles to listeners over telegraph wiring.</span>
>                                                 <span class="segment" id="s0002">Beginning in 1889 the sound quality of regular telephone concerts was very
>                                                                 poor on account of the buzzing generated by carbon-granule microphones. As a result Cahill decided to
>                                                                 set a new standard in perfection of sound <span its-translation-quality-type="spelling"
>                                                                                 its-translation-quality-code="dfki:spelling_error" its-translation-quality-severity="0.5"
>                                                                                 its-translation-quality-note="should be 'quality'">qulaity</span> with his instrument, a standard
>                                                                 that would not only satisfy listeners but that would overcome all the flaws of traditional
>                                                                 instruments.</span>
>                                 </p>
>                 </body>
> </html>
> The rendering is the same, so I'm not including it again.
> -Arle

Received on Thursday, 2 August 2012 11:57:48 UTC