RE: Parameters for rules?

Hi Dave, all,

> Did you have a specific idea in mind of how 
> values might be bound to this variable?

Not really.
I assumed it could be done in similar way as the XSLT variables. We could have default values that calling tools could override.

> ...but would we want mechanisms that bound the parameter
> to a value held outside of the file, e.g. a HTTP POST 
> parameter passed with an ITS conformance file to a web 
> service (this does get us into the broader scope of 
> defining web APIs)?

I think so. That's where most of the power of the variable is: You could define a single set of rules and apply it differently based on a passed parameter.

I'm not sure this applies to all types of data categories we are envisioning though. Some are really just labels created for the duration of a specific process and may have no reason to be variables.


Received on Monday, 23 April 2012 11:39:09 UTC