Assigned owners to items


I have made the first pass at assigning owners to various items

Any cases where I added owners are marked with asterisks, e.g., "*Tadej*" means that I assigned Tadej and he is free to accept this (by removing the asterisks), or reject it (by deleting his name), while "Tadej" without stars means that Tadej is the owner and has accepted.

If you reject ownership of an issue, please either put in the name of the person you think should be the owner or send me an email with suggestions.

IMPORTANT: We need to resolve ownership issues by our meeting next week so we are clear what actions we need to take for any orphaned items.

I know that I have over-assigned some people. Yves, for instance, got all of the action items coming out of updating the existing ITS 1.0 specification because that's what it said in the meeting minutes, so Yves may want to share some of the joy.

Please do let me know if you have changes or want to kill me for assigning tasks to you ;-)


Received on Wednesday, 11 April 2012 13:52:37 UTC