RE: [ACTION-14]: Pedro to address cache and MT disambiguation with Arle

> ...since web clients and MT providers will define 
> with domain structure and/or semantic features 
> should be used: they do their mapping, according
> to their systems and needs.

I see your point Pedro. But that's useful only between two parties that have agreed to use a given set of values. Then it might as well be a proprietary metadata.

If there are no agreed upon "standard" values for this type of information then MLWLT should choose one of the non-standard existing set (if there are any) or make one up.
So at least anyone using the data category would know have a description for the values and could map them to their own system.

> I would like to know what think about it people 
> related to MT. Maybe other working groups 
> could also go ahead with standard values for these.

Yes, I'd like to hear from MT system people too.


Received on Thursday, 5 April 2012 16:10:45 UTC