Re: Errors in Elements Within Text and Target Pointer?

Forget the first point with Elements within Text. It was in the 
Implementers file, not expected.. Really sorry.

But target pointer I still don't understand.


On 06.05.2013 17:43, Karl Fritsche wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two more problems with the test suite.
> First thing would be the elements within text. In the expected output 
> all attributes have the within-text output, but inheritance is "None". 
> Attributes shouldn't have these values, without inheritance.
> Second Point is the target pointer. On every data category we resolve 
> pointers, why not here? Why is the output simply the XPath and not 
> like everywhere else the resolved pointer? It would be somehow hacky 
> in my implementation to get back there and getting the XPath.
> Also we removed Ruby in the draft, we should remove it from the test too.
> Cheers and see you tomorrow,
> Karl

Received on Monday, 6 May 2013 15:49:33 UTC